Sunday, July 31, 2011

Slave Updates

A few releases of updated slaves
All by abisal (thanks!). Quoted from their posts

Mushashi/Jessie fron Pokemon

New update. Fixed most of the important bugs. Tried moving a few of her misplaced images to the right place, but it'll be a long job, since it looks like many have a Register Point problem-.. A couple things like the mmisplaced items are still there, though. Mostly because I'll probably have to use the SlaveBuilder to get their positions (since all her dresses are not what I I was going to use when she was built for the first time).

Ok. A small fix that hopefully will solve the conflicts with the EvilMine quest

Most images are now there Only a few dickgirl images and chores are missing.
Art Model Job
Meditation School
Tried to add but couldn't: "draining" touch event. It'll be in the next update, I am just too unfamiliar with the way events work in XML.

I am thinking that the Art model and the Meditation school will need events to unlock them in the future, but haven't thought up the events

They vary a little, in all cases
a) extract to a sub folder
b) check the enclosed instructions if present
c) if there are no instructions copy files into your 

For Rogue, 
1) copy/move the folder Rogue into the folder 
2) rename SlaveGirl31.txt to SlaveGirl38.txt
3) delete Slave-Generic.swf
4) copy the rest into Slaves.

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Slave Maker 3.2.02

This is mainly a bug fix release for the game that also adds some new features and a lot of developer support.

Fixes include

  • Planning fixes for rest and Talk to Slaves
  • several meeting related issues
  • multiple fixes for the xml event system
  • some reluctance/gender issues for sex acts
  • Fixes for Shampoo when your slave maker is a Freelancer
  • fixed for Menace, some undefined's in text
  • fixes for Ayanami Rei, custom job and some other issues
  • fixes for Naru and naked options
  • fixes for Ranma and Martial Arts contest
  • some events did not reset properly after training a slave
Actually there have been so many I forget them all, and I have been lax in keeping records of them all


Game Play Changes

  •  New house, the Galley
  • New events related to Slave Maker action 'Attend Court'. More planned
  • additional text and graphics for Lady Farun, more to come (or cum)
  • Lamia event expanded upon, several paths, depends on 'Non-Human sex' setting and slave statistics
  • A new bad-end

Other Changes

  • Slave Maker Avatars are now loaded differently to conserve memory, so you can add lots more if you like.
  • Sound effect moved, now the game supports playing any external mp3 file (for developers use _root.PlaySound(Sounds/Circus.mp3"); )
  • Pure XML assistants are now supported. There is one present now, Arcueid from Tsukihime.
  • More options, functions for XML events and slaves

I currently have a lot of code to support loading older save games from versions 3.2.0 etc. In the next version I will remove this code. Once you upgrade if you wish to be able to use an old save game for version 3.2.03 make sure to
a) load the save game
b) resave it


The full version and slaves inclusive versions include all recent new or upgraded versions of slaves and assistants, including
Aeris, Bulma, Sakura, Chun Li, Gardevoir, Nina Windia, Peach, Shampoo, Ranma, Akane, Ayanami Rei, Naru, Yurika, Menace, Brain Slug, Kirino Kousaka

Upgrade for version 3.2.x, excludes any slave specific fixes

Installation: extract this into your current game folder. DO NOT extract to a sub folder

Upgrade for slaves only
Requires the upgrade above

Installation: extract this into your current game folder. DO NOT extract to a sub folder

Full Version (a complete install, requires none of the above or any previous version)

Mirror (links interchangablewith the above)

Note: these links are not compatible with the other links above

Torrent by Zythen

Installation: create a folder and extract this into it.

A fix for some slave issues, a dress issue for Naru, issuees for Nina, Kirino Kousaka and Shampoo


To install this fix just extract into the Slaves folder of your game installation

Saturday, July 16, 2011

New Slaves and Updated one

New Slave - Chun Li
venom256 has released a new slave Chun-Li from Street Fighter. She is an xml based slave and is completely vanilla at this time

Newish Slave - Kirino Kousaka 

 NarutoXD has released a new slave (sort of). He has previously released her but many had troubles using her. This is a new xml based version of her.

Please note there are some image naming issues for her and a new version will be released in the forthcoming version 3.2.02

Updated Slaves
The following slaves have been updated

Princess Peach

Nina Windia
you also need this updated file due to a bug in this update



A major update is ready, but it is dependent on code in the 3.2.02 release so I will only initialliy include it in the full 3.2.02 release. A, upgrade for her will probably follow.

Version 3.2.02 has a couple of issue to fix and then I will release. The full version will include all the above slaves. The upgrade will not have these included.

Sunday, July 3, 2011


General Status Update

  • I am working on another bug fix for the game 3.2.02 to address various bugs. 
  • It will also add features for slave developers, especially the XML case
  • A new slave was just released. Rogue from X-Men Evolution, but there are some issues with the initial release so I am not posting her here yet, give it a few days.

  • An update for Sakura and some of her issues is due soon
  • Cantinhgo de liberdade and nosredragon, I am still working on Krystal the Star Fox. CM Tyssen just gave me a group of naked image edits for her. Unfortunately I am not able to work on her a lot, I consider general bug fixes more important at the moment. but soon, soon.
  • An update of Aeris is due soon from mouseGURU, once I fix some bugs in the game
Otherwise, on a personal note, I hate having a cold, for the last week I have been rather under the weather. Mostly recovered now.

The game supports translating and we have sizable translations for French and Russian so far and more limited ones for German, Spanish, Portuguese, Polish. Other languages can be done too.

At this time most of the user interface is translatable as are all the new events and most standard text. Most sex acts and walk events are not yet but will be. Some slaves text like introductions can now be translated.

If anyone is interested to contribute, there are 3 parts of the game that can be translated

In the Slaves folder there are files like
These contain the slaves name and text that appears on the slave market screen where you pick a slave to train.
You will also see versions like
This is the french translated version.

Maybe half of these are done for 4 languages, but many are only in English.

If you like, copy the base file to one for your language
and translate the bit
ie change Shampoo to the version for your language and
girldesc=A girl you met on the way to the capital. She is obsessed with you and has sold herself to be your assistant.
again translate. DO NOT change the girlname tag or girldesc tag, or any other part of the file.

Save the file using UTF-8 encoding and post for me to include in the game. Upload to a file service like MEdiaFire/RapidShare/MultiUpload and post here in a comment or in a forum

Complex 1
See the Language folder and Guide to Translating.rtf and translate the xml files there

Complex 2
Some girls like Mai, Mihoshi have files like
Like the txt file above you can create  a copy
and translate the text in the nodes. Do not translate tags.

All slaves will get these xml files in future.

Thanks in advance for any contributions here.