Sunday, December 7, 2014

On Twilight Sparkle

Just as an aside here, there were quite a few people complaining about the release for Twilight Sparkle, mainly saying she is an animal and should not be in the game.

She is not an animal, she can talk, and is a person, she is not a beast. This puts her in the 'Furry' category, she may not be anthropomorphic but still a furry.

I will be including her is the full game releases. If for some reason you dislike her, but like the other furry slaves, then she can be disabled by deleting the file
She will never appear in the game.

If you dislike furries in general then disable the choice on Options and she will not appear, along with the other furry slaves. Note: this does not actually happen for the current release for Twilight Sparkle but is a trivial edit I will request of her developer


  1. is it possible to get an eta when the next full release is released?

  2. Good. I have no interest in Twilight Sparkle myself, but by far my favorite method for games to deal with differing tastes in fetishes is the way you do it, with options to have things or not at the player's preference.

  3. As long as it has a feminine look to it, I'm happy.

    How about the girls from UltimateBoob Wars!! ~Big Breasts vs Flat Chests. Lots of cute girls there.

  4. I just going to throw this out there is a human vision of Twilight equster girls and if you look there are the full furry vision too and I cant wait for her

    1. I know there's a human version of Twilight. So does the other guy. cmacleod42 already pointed out that neither of us have any interest in the human form, I in particular have a deep hatred of the human form. The other mod maker, to my knowledge, is focusing on two legged furry version of Rarity and other ponies. I meanwhile, am focusing solely on their original forms.

    2. I think it's fine as is. Not in to MLP porn myself but why should you cut it out if people want it just because some don't?

      Maybe some people hate anal, I bet some people who play the game do. Doesn't mean it should be cut out.
      As long as things like bestiality are optional I don't see what people are complaining about it's not like you're forced to watch it...

      It's really stupid how people can't just let others enjoy their fetishes while simultaneously thinking all their fetishes are "okay" even though there's probably plenty people who dislike them too.

    3. and I am complete with you on this and I to have a hate for the equista girls and I approve of cmac to add twilight in fact I would not mind the other MLP girls in the game too and you too Anonymous just cores some don't like most mite do I'm no hater of fetishes we all have are likes and dislikes I understand and accept this. ^_^

  5. Thank you, I really like how you handle the haters with this game, because if they don't like something in the in the game you make it so they can get rid of it (I personally like the idea of this slave)

  6. how awful. I'm so sorry that people would complain about such a thing. This is a game for people who enjoy fetishes. It is your game and they should be grateful for you making it, not complaining about something they don't like. For the record, my husband and I both absolutely love this game. You do a fantastic job and you should be proud. Do let random idiots upset you, their opinions don't matter.

  7. I really like twilight, and hope the others will join. There will always be people complaining, and they have the option to turn her off. Dont let others stifle the content you want to add. Keep up the good work.

    1. I'm already working on a second pack :)

    2. I just looked up Twilight some of the pictures are good and some are blah. I hope the pictures are more anime type and less power puff type(blocky).

    3. I do the best I can with what I got. There is a lot of porn about her, but certain actions have art in such limited quantity that I have to use what I can find. As for more anime quality, usually art with a real anime feel makes her a two legged anthro which is not what I was aiming for. Again, did the best I could with what I had.
      Now as new art shows up, I will probably upgrade for better quality, so there's always the future :)

    4. Princess Molestia approves of your work

    5. I know this isn't Twilight but I knew 4 legged could be fun when I first saw a picture just like this many years ago, its Vulpix from Pokemon.

  8. When people complain about my games, I say I do wut I want go fuck yourself.

  9. the link appears to be bad , along with the beta

    1. The Mega link isn't working?

    2. There are no problems for me for the link for Twilight Sparkle.

      The MEGA link for the beta was deleted as I posted a newer version at the futanari palace and delete old beta as I do so.

    3. Okay Got it, Was a little concerned there for a sec, was having some issues with mega earlier.

    4. You can not be that stupid. that is like saying the animals in cats vs dogs were people. i have nothing against people who like it, but it is not furry. furry is humanoid animals. like krystal fox, star fox, and even sonic. a horse whose only resemblance to a human is that it can speak is not a furry. you would have to be stupid to classify it as a furry

      "Furry Hentai is a type of hentai where the animated person is a half-human half-animal half breed"

      Animals that speak are not.

      I have no qualms with her being in the game, but don't be stupid to justify it. if people really have issue with it after all the crap we have all added to it, just make a specialized fetish pack for characters people have issues with.

  10. You can not be that stupid. that is like saying the animals in cats vs dogs were people. i have nothing against people who like it, but it is not furry. furry is humanoid animals. like krystal fox, star fox, and even sonic. a horse whose only resemblance to a human is that it can speak is not a furry. you would have to be stupid to classify it as a furry

    "Furry Hentai is a type of hentai where the animated person is a half-human half-animal half breed"

    Animals that speak are not.

    I have no qualms with her being in the game, but don't be stupid to justify it. if people really have issue with it after all the crap we have all added to it, just make a specialized fetish pack for characters people have issues with.

    1. Anthromorph: The attributing of human form or characteristics to anything other than a human.
      Twilight is an anthromorph, she speaks, has a human personality. She doesn't stand on two legs, but she is still an anthromorph, ergo, a furry.

      A Furry is any animal that has been given human characteristics, Littlefoot, Stitch, Twilight Sparkle, Krystal, Fox McCloud, are all furries, they are anthromorphic animals.

      Do I really need to bring out the dictionary definition of a furry to make it more clear than it already is?

      Also we heard you the first time.

    2. People got real insecurities about letting furry porn mix with their anime porn. <__<

    3. Funny how that is even an issue with a game this heavy with futa

    4. So futa is ok and furry is not? Herp a derp

    5. the previous comment was an accident in the wrong area. cant exactly delete. also, i have no issue with her being in the game, not my thing, but i dont mind. and futa and "furry" are completely different fields. futa and loli would be a closer comparison.

      On a side not, a furry is an anthromorphic animal. its as simple as that. stop pulling definitions out of your ass. You are not the decider of what furry is. From what i have seen, the majority of the web agrees, and even bronies agree that it isnt furry, it is something else. i would call it animated bestiality but that might be offensive to some.

    6. polemics are a hell of a drug....

    7. agreed anon, i personally hate bronies and ponies, but im not about to let that slow this game down over it, new content is always welcome, if we don't like a specific slave, we won't train them ^^

  11. Yeah, I don't see why people would complain. Don't like? Don't select that character. Easy as pie. If it isn't your thing that's understandable. Plenty of people have different interests. But don't complain just because it got in.

    1. Easy as Pinkie Pie? :P

      Seriously fuck censors.

    2. Pinkie Pie is in Development :D So I'd say yes, easy as Pinkie Pie.

    3. Awesome, would love to see the full bloody cast eventually!
      ...but I just realized something - you get to train them as -pony slaves- xD

    4. Actually Korvas has excluded them from Pony Slave training, under the idea it did not seem right. as she is a pony already

    5. The dream is dead. >.>

  12. Replies
    1. So you jack on enslaving pixels but have a problem with people who like to jack on somewhat different pixels... the fuck's wrong with you people?

      Besides, nothings stopping you from getting of your self entitled behinds and actually making a content pack for your taste

    2. huh... what. no i just wanted to say "Damn Bronies" that the thing now a days

    3. Its not nice man, its like me kicking you because everyone else is.

    4. I really want to kick you in the gonads, can I? I just wanted to say this because it's cool nowadays :Y

  13. Thanks for telling us how to disable her. Shes NOT a Furry. Shes a freaking Horse who can talk. Shes still an animal. I dont care if there are people who get of on animals, and I wish all of them their own zoo to keep them happy, but I still prefere an option to disable bestiality...

    1. Hmpf, Well, more on their way, deal with it. And your quite wrong about her not being a furry.

    2. I still find it both remarkable and hilarious that some are upset about defining a cartoon pony as a "furry".. It's like watching bondage fetishists argue between which is true bondage: Shibari/Kinbaku (japanese rope bondage) or old fashion whips and chains. People take this shit far too seriously and it makes me laugh so damn hard.

      And no, I am not really a fan of either but don't mind the addition to the game either. Guess you could say I don't have a horse in this race. I just enjoy watching idiots getting offended by a pixel made pony.

    3. Nah, not offended, just trying to defend the mod I made, maybe such a defense is pointless, probably is. Still, you have a good point, hope others will listen.

    4. Some are into samefagging while others are just faggots, welcome to teh internetz

    5. Like I said, I dont have a problem with people who get horny from animals. Everyone has his own way to get it...

    6. You should learn a bit about the character. I've written a couple of well received romance stories with this character, because her personality is a good one to work with. She's bookish, intelligent, a bit of a know it all, loves her friends, likes helping them, fights to protect them, is even willing to sacrifice her magic, something that's a part of her, to save them. Instead of viewing her as an animal, view her as a character. A good character should never be ignored, no matter what their form or where they came from.

    7. Dude its ok. Your fetish is not my business, I am a hard BDSM lover, I have no right to judge what other people get of on. I am happy you found your kink and feel good about it. You go man.

  14. Ok I am sorry people really need to grow up this fighting within a community where ALL of us would be seen as deviant by the rest of the population is ridiculous. If it isn't the loli's being fought it is the furries. Grow up people ... why does any group always seem to have to find another group to dump on? Such a sad statement on human nature!

    1. I don't believe anyone's saying you're fighting, Korvas. No worries. Zaldar's just saying that it's stupid when a tiny portion of community turns on other members within it due to differing tastes and just silly shit. Anyhow, keep working on your mods, ignore the haters.

    2. If fighting for fluffy pony waifus is wrong - I don't want to be right!

  15. I am of the opinion that any of the MLP slaves, should give you a level in pony training. They are naturals to give this as a bonus. The extension of this would be that choosing to train one of them would unlock the Stables.

  16. I expected this to happen at the moment I saw the release of the quite overrated pony of the mane six, good job on handling those snot-nose brats.

    My opinion on things like the ponies, they're fence sitters, both and none at the same time similar to creatures like Satyrs, Centaurs, Minotaurs, Yeti, Sasquatch, Mermaids, and especially Werewolves(still a human with the ability to turn into an anthro wolf.). They're not animals but not human either some categories them as furries and others humanoid, the ponies have human-like intellect and are different from the actual animals like Winona the dog or Angel the rabbit or Opal the cat, it's just the don't have a human-like appearance that most intellectual sentience usual are portray as making them animal-like.

    What's the real problem is close-minded and self-centered individuals.

    I know my favorites Rarity, Rainbow Dash, and Applejack(from most to least :D ) are planned but is Queen Chrysalis(Top, because I like bugs) and Princess Luna(Nightmare Moon prefered) and the other Princesses(I guess) also planned or you're just doing the mane six only(understandable because there will be too many ponies)?

    To let you guys know, I'm not a brony, I rarely watch the show(I hate happy cutesy shows), I just know enough about the characters and whats happening in the show.

  17. I downloaded the file, read the Readme, and put the files in the correct spots, but it won't work. I think it's because there's no Shockwave Flash Object for her. The only thing other than this file that I downloaded is the basic pack. Do I need the entire game to use the file?

    1. There's no shockwave file cause its not an flash slave, its an XML slave, you do need the game to run it. Paste the files in the exact locations I specified and it should work fine.

    2. As long as you have at least the 465 MB "Basic Pack" from cmac's November 2 post, that should be enough to use Twilight -- no need to download the other 5.6 GB of extra slaves until you're ready for them, and you can even skip the bugfix patches if you want. Just make sure the files are in the right locations and you should be ready to go. If you had to make new folders to put the images in, double-check your spelling and the filepath -- they should end up at Images/Slaves/Twilight Sparkle , while everything else gets dropped straight into the Slaves folder (next to all the other slaves' xml, txt, and swf files).

  18. I will not let a developer be censored by a simple anon. This person worked on the slave for this game and is therefore ten times more valuable than anon who goes er my gawd a pony! I will defend his dude because making a slave isn't easy. It's time consuming especially for a first slave.

  19. On the subject of talking animals, wouldn't the logic applied to Twilight also apply to most of the animal characters in Disney films?

    1. I would say so, I mean, a lot of the talking animals in Disney films share the same characteristics, human intellect, able to speak, the only difference between them and the typical furry is that they walk differently.

    2. As far as outfits go though, they should be simpler to handle anyway. Collars and such; you wouldn't expect a feral to wear a dress after all.

    3. Why not? They were dresses in the show, its not uncommon and typically reserved for special events. Hence why when she starts, she's not wearing anything, and you have to buy her outfits

    4. Actually i was thinking of the Lion king and other shows. Really, MLP is unusual in that its characters actually do wear clothing given their conformation.

  20. There is a fucking pokemon in the slavelist and now someone complains about a pony? Why?

    1. Because she's humanoid(even for being in a egg group full of tentacle and slime monsters) and Pokemon are slaves, that's why.

      Wait until something less humanoid like a Meowth/Purrloin/Gatomon to be added then your argument will be effective.

      I understand what you mean, though.

    2. Scratch Meowth off, he is an assistant, but no one really pay much attention to assistants.

      I wonder adding this pony will attract people to add similar slaves?

      Won't be long until someone tries to make Leavanny or Roserade or Lopunny(Did I inspire anyone yet? it has as much fans as Gardevoir and a Mega form, you know you want to do it. >:D ) for the game.

    3. That may be true, but to my knowledge, those three have much less art

    4. But those are human-like's irrelevant. But good irrelevance, IMO.

    5. Lopunny has plenty to make into a character, you're not adding all the art you can see just getting the best ones you need and change for a better version when it becomes available in the future.

    6. Uh or was you talking about the first three :)

      Gatomon may not have as much but she does fill in alot of the required areas, Meowth I'm not sure, Purrloin nope.

      I apologies for using this anon post. :P

    7. Well I wanted to make a slave pack with Inspector Carmelita Montoya Fox from the Sly Cooper series, but I can't find enough art. I also wanted to do Fox McCLoud, Bowser, Mewtwo, tried Gatomon, Amy Rose, was thinking of doing Sonic, Tails, Cream, Spike the Dragon, Lucario, Braeburn... yeah I had a lot of ideas

    8. I enjoy Mew as a minor slave, I even tried to replace some of the pictures but it was hard to find better ones. I was disappointed in the amount of hentai for Mew.

      Mewtwo seems more like a guy. If we were going to add any more male slaves I would want to dominate. I'm not really into guys but if I was going to have a male sex slave Luffy from One Piece as my bitch.

  21. Could it be much simpler to make an option to deactivate "MLP brownie" characters aside from the Furry activation option? That way, people will still want its "furries" in game without those ugly mares included. I still don't get why people like that shit of MLP, its bullshit and making porn of it is an insult to the all the hentai, porn and Rule 34 in general.

    1. Your opinion is noted, and so generic and over used that its not even funny.

    2. "I still don't get why people like that shit of huge-breasts twice as large as the woman whom they belong to(...)"...and all the sort.

      Going by terms themselves, an animal with human speech, intelligence, personality and even mimicry is a furry. Got preferences towards one kind of furry and not the other?! Fine, that's perfectly understandable. It's no different to one prefering harpies without hands and others prefering harpies with hands. But there is no reason at all for the animal-shaped furries to have their own separate option to turn off.

      Don't like a slave?! Don't use it. Don't want to even have anything to do with it?!...Delete it. Or do you expect now for everyone to voice what they like and what they don't like and cmacleod to make all those options available as "don't show me"?! Where is my option for overly huge breasts?! For traps?! For excessively long legs?! Absurd, right?!

      If you have specific tastes...apply them yourself. It's like when you go shopping. You buy one pack of rice and not the other because you prefer one over the other. That doesn't mean that the other isn't available. And if a shop doesn't sell rice?! Then there won't be YOUR rice either. Too bad, go to a different shop.

    3. I don't like the notion of slaves, you should make a option to deactivate all the ugly slavery related content. No, I am not joking and yes, my feelings count above everything else. Derp.

  22. they are already do the best for keep updating da game, ppl, y u no stop complain about stuff like this? *sigh

  23. Question, I still get the furry slave that you can get a quest to free when I walk around, even when I have furries turned off. (Furries just aren't my thing, not bashing anyone who likes them). Is there a way to fix that?


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