Hi, here is the final beta for the 3.2.03 release of the game. I will run this beta test for the next week and then do a full release once any issues raised are fixed.
New features
- Lady Farun rescue and meeting have been re-written, with more text and options. The 'rescue' event has additional options if your slave maker is present at the time. The rescue will only happen once
- There is the start of an event during the Lady Farun meetings, but it is only the first part. It is no complete yet
- Sareth/Evil Mine event has been fixed and updated along with the Lady Farun meetings. A 'new' reward can be received from the quest now. Importantly the event will only happen once
- the minor slave Deala is removed from general sale but is available in another way
- All minor slaves and assistants can now declare their love for you, and count toward you limit of lovers given by the Leadership skill
- All minor slaves and assistants can become cumsluts, but it will take quite a long time
- All minor slaves and assistants can become impregnated, but by default only one will actually become pregnant, but this is a trivial xml edit to enable for other slaves
- All minor slaves and assistants can be affected by the 'Unnatural Cum' advantage. Again will take quite a long time to occur
- Several minor slaves now have custom events, notably the nurse Cora (try talking to her), the fox-girl Narry, and Maran the mother
- All minor slaves can have custom events, including any custom ones added by players.
- Kasumi's Cumslut training can now be learned by Slave Makers who have the skill 'Slut Trainer'. Initially you will need to train Kasumi and then use her for a few slaves, but after a few you will learn the skill 'Slut Trainer 2' and can do it yourself
- Once Naru decides to become a nudist and gains the 'Naked' dress you will be able to convince other slaves to do it as well. It is easier for slave makers with the skill 'Slut Trainer' and otherwise relies on your slaves level in the Naked act
- New event in the Forest
- Tiredness and illness affect all slaves and your slavemaker. On a day a slave becomes ill they cannot be used for training. This means for your main slave they cannot do any trainings at all. Your slaves maker will be unable to do any personal trainings. Minor slaves or assistants will be unable to participate in acts.
- Simple method added to change from one house to another. Currently a flat fee of 10000GP to change. This will change in future
Developer support Changes
- a lot of changes to the xml parsing system, adding new statements, variables, new nodes. See Acts.xml for the new act support
- actually there is quite a lot and I will document more in an updated SDK
This release includes all current slavereleases. This includes the following
Ayanami Rei
Chun Li
Princess Daisy
Sawachika Eri
Kallen Stadfeld
Kirino Kousaka
Aoyama Motoko
Nina Windia
Princess Peach
Unohana Retsu
Most of the newer slaves are vanilla with little or no specia events, but notably Misako and Unohana Retsu have events.
Here are two installers for the game
Partial installation
This is an upgrade for an existing game installation. THIS IS NOT A COMPLETE game and does not include any of the slaves list
Just extract this into your existing game installation.
Note: this version will have problems if you try testing the changes for Naru and Kasumi and their cumslut path. You will need the following update to test this
If you do not plan to tes them then this in not needed
Full Installation
This is a complete installation of the game with all slaves included. Extract to a new folder, or delete all files from your existing game folder and extract into that folder.
Preserve save games
To ensure you can use save games from the previous versions, just make sure you install the game into the exact same folder. Do not rename the folder, or install into a sub-folder.
Backup save games
As this is a beta version I recommend backing up any important save games before installing this beta
a) run the game
b) load the save game
c) save to a new slot, say like slot 80
Bug Reports
This blog is an awkward place for bug reports. I would prefer any bug reports to be post in either the futanaripalace forum or the masterbloodfer forum. For the duration of the this beta test I will create a dedicated thread for bug reports in each forum
Known Issues
There are a couple if issues I have not been able to fix yet
- the first time you go to the Talk to your Slaves screen it can be blank, with not slaves listed. This only seems to happen if you are not playing the game full screen. I have not got a fix for this, but if you exit and re-enter the screen it works fine
- The game does not upgrade Kasumi quite correctly to teach Cumslut training. Will work fine in a new game just not with existing save games. Will be fixed in the full release.
- Some odd text issues with some Lady Farun meetings, with text layout and structure. Only in an unusual case and is reasonably clear, just awkward.
Reported Bugs
Please excuse, there have been a group of reported bugs so far
- slaves are not always available (maybe never) for use as assistants
- a couple of xml issues, a buf with some custom events
- visiting the barmaid has a broken questions
- a few typos in a new event
Some of these have trivial fixes, will post a fix once I sort out the issues, primarily the first assistant issue
Fixes to date
Working on some other fixes, but here is a fix for the worst of the issues reported
To install just extract to your game folder
- slaves not appearing as assistants
- Lady Farun not selling cat items
- Shampoo not getting her custom items. This will only affect new games not existing ones
- Sora broken options
- Lady Farun pregnant event always happening
- Discuss stat gains
- big xml parsing error
- assistant naming and genders
- theology stat gains
- xml error for sora's introduction
- salon issues
- Competitive not appearing on stat2 screen
- house effects for Galley
- Unnatural cum queuing 2 acts sometimes
- missing shortcuts from slavemarket
- event selection issues for the Slums
- BE event issues
- rape event again
- lady farun availability
- assistant listed twice in assistant selection screen
- dickgirl conversion not working
- default talk/discuss images for assistants not always working
- lady farun birth event not stopping correctly
- minor/bought back slaves stat maximums could be locked at a low level (below that given by Slave Trainer Skill)
- Cora's reports, note she now only gives the report the first discuss each day
- changed some shortcuts in the Shop
- prevented corrupt purchase quantities in the shop
- prevent repurchasing ladies guild+historical book using shortcuts
- shortcuts not working correctly in the salon and take potions screen when selecting drinker/customer
- Advanced Housework for xml slaves image, Retrieved Slave image for xml slaves
- dress statistics shown wrong for xml slaves
- Irina showed some text from Sumi
- owner testing happened for Shampoo as a freelancer
- fixed a couple of save errors and added some code to correct these and some other corruption
- Fix issues with Melisandra with nested image selections (ie naked dickgirl etc)
- Fixes Talk/Sex act image selection issues for assistants
- Remove anal requirement from Naked Training, added Expose acts needed, may add strip tease too in the future
- Any day Naked Dress is worn counts as a Naked act, and can thus level up the Naked skill. Counted at the start of a new day
- Mistress Cock/Dickgirl Dominatrix blowjobs could be reassigned to another. This is now blocked, it is personal!
- Fixed hopefully issues with varx variables resetting as reported by QMag
- Maran impregnation problems (note normal human gestation, can be edited in Acts.xml)
- Another fix for the beta, hopefully the last. Includes all previous fixes.
- some issues in the salon, notably when changing back to your current slave
- fixes for using an assistant as 'love assistant' images now appear
correctly, and the assistant now appears correctly for use in acts/talk
- stat decreases where not scaled correctly for high levels of slave trainer
- slave maker rest action did not scale by time, also increased a
little in effect. Personally supervising a Break action is still more
- sold (and not owned slaves) were confessing love and giving birth
- gender problems for male assistants
- incons and text for some dickgirl slaves/assistants were shown wrong when talking/reviewing
- the time that passes between slaves did not affect any slaves stats or pregnancy etc
- incorrect text for several latex encounters
- Ranma's Tea Ceremony
- major issue where each time you loaded a game a new copy of Kirino
Kousaka was added to the internal slaves array. This bloated save games
hugely. This fix will correct any corrupted saves.
- fixed an issue for some assistants not showing images when used as
a 'love assistant'. Bridget had this issue due to a bug in his coding
(a trivial bug)
- fixed a load issue with an xml slave used as an assistant, loaded Shampoo instead
- changesd so slave maker equipment button is shown in the armoury, not the slave equipment button
- fixed Deala's bondage report
- Another Salon issue with makeup/skincare/hair
- using an xml slave as an assistant
- fixes more save corruptions, this time with Ran/Cumslut Ran, should of had the same cause as the previous Kirino Kousaksa issues
- use non-default image for Intimacy for more 'love assistants'
- Nodoka/Faeerie Butterfly purchasing/showing not working
- Image issues for 'love assistants', and some better defaults in some cases
- rest action for slave maker is now more effective
- minor slave events, like Cora's reports, got lost when you start a new slave
- shortcuts did not work on rules screen
- custom slave maker action shortcut changed to V
- seer screen could fail to vanish
- Narry's event was a bit too frequent
Alena's intimacy image becoming the default, actually a generic fix, but it was caused by a very minor bug in Alena (I think)
- Some assistants becoming permanently listed in the Talk to
slaves/Pick participants screen, notably after a slave's training ends
- Shampoo not being retained as an assistant
- joy not increasing for catgirl slave makers
- no initial stat changes for elves and true catgirls
- competitive advantage only applied to xxx contests
- slave maker received succubus ending but did not become one
- Ella's image did not fade in the Auction when purchased
- Rules did not toggle via shortcut keys
- Threesomes did not show the right questions, especially for male assistants
- Custom chores/jobs/schools got blank descriptions/labels
- Aeris blank buttons for custom acts (slightly different cause)
- default participants were not saved
- lesbian buttons did not reset/restore correctly
Some additional images added for some minor slaves, Ella for
instance, multiple more pregnant images (Sana, Latala, Maid Tara, Cora)
As Rydia is an assistant I have changed the images for the minor slave
Ryah so she has had a total face lift, and now has some additional
images as a result.
- another futanari variant image
- all assistants that confess love will now become 'love assistant'
and become a permanent person for talk/acts. They will hire themselves
as an assistant for 2/3 cost
- removed Asuka/Sora from Court Contest as she is now a slave
- more images for Peorth, including modeling lingerie, swimsuits, maid uniform. Added futanari version of main assistant image.
- assistants can get involved in purchasing uniforms (as Peorth above)
- Quite a few low level class changes, notably SlaveModule, should be backward compatible
- some more futanari images (ponygirl ploughing and kamasutra imags
- Peorth now has special love events and later impregnation event. (note normal human gestation)
- More images for Peorth
- Assistants can now become permanent. Peorth will become a
permanent member of your household once she confesses her love. This can
exceed Leadership limits
- slight changes to debugging menu so that items/dresses are not
give to the slave until you choose to modify an item position. To allow
usage of the menu for flag viewing a little better
- added actionscript function IsNakedDressAvailable()
- revised system where assistants can add xml events for consistency
with minor slave xml system and to generaly make things easier for me