Thursday, September 10, 2015

Slight Delay for the Beta

I did not have as much free time this week as hoped and the beta is close but not ready yet. A few more days so either late this weekend or early next week at this stage.

My apologies I did lose some time playing a game release one evening, SuperPowered at the Hypnopics site
(forum registration needed)
The game is a bit grindy but fun, and by all means not complete but in continual development.

Pretty much working fine now, except some minor issues around what tabs appear where, but that is just really fine tuning
tab issues resolved, a couple of small issues remain around houses and the new widescreen map for Mardukane. I thought I had fixed this before, but I seem to have lost the changes, I guess at the time I had a hardrive failure recently, not sure how otherwise I lost the changes. Most of these fixes are cosmetic not functional.
All working fine so far. I just need to run through a few test trainings to confirm things are generally working otherwis
Found some issues for icons and stat images, all fixed, but another test train needed. So I will release the beta tomorrow


  1. There's been no release for 9+ months now. And the only update is a UI overhaul and bug fixes to add more bugs? That's it?

    1. Beats the project being dead. Be happy we are getting this and let the man do his work xD Doubt he has as much free time as he(or we) would like to devote to this.

    2. Sorry, I do not understand the hostility of your reply here. I have just politely gave a status update for a few days delay. If you have no interest in the game then feel free to not play it.

      I am working on it for fun, and I have had a lot of personal issues that have greatly delayed game development here, not the least has been chronic health issues and recurrent issues with depression.

      Hostile posts like this and others a while ago have greatly de-motivated me at times.

      Sorry for the rant, and my apologies, I assume it was a burst of annoyance on your part. but please in future refrain from sharing annoyed comments.

    3. The game is free and quite enjoyable, we don't really have any right to complain no matter how large a delay. I'm in fact happy he gave a heads up instead of just pretending nothing had happened at all and just posting the game when it was ready. Knowing there is a delay is much more preferable than waiting and wondering.

    4. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    5. My apologies to the last poster, I just cannot take arguing over this. I would prefer to just leave this and continue working on my hobby.

      In general can we please not discuss this any more here. As I have said I am working on the game, and a beta will be out in a few days.

    6. As the owner and administrator for some popular Internet communities I had one lesson bashed into my head over and over:

      Some people are pricks.

      It doesn't matter what you give them. It doesn't matter how hard you work. They're just not going to be reasonable. Sometimes the incessant whining can make it appear that there's a lot of them, but they're just a vocal minority.

      Just know that your work is much appreciated. I'm sure, just like myself, there are many people who never post, but lurk and enjoy the work you do. So, take your time. Have as much fun as you want, and we'll be here when the game is ready.

    7. Can't wait to see the OP's game, bet it's amazing.

  2. No problem take ur time ...Still cant wait for the new update ^_^

  3. i have no problem with a delay this game is worth the wait it is better then some of the games i have bought off steam and a lot more fun too

  4. LOL. Superpowered ate my writing time too. Good luck on getting it back up; if you need mac testers I'm up for it.

  5. Thanks for the update it is greatly appreciated. Can't wait to see what you've done with it. I really enjoy this game and think you have done a magnificent job so far. Keep up the great work.

  6. I'm excited to see the update is almost ready, thanks cmacleod! Also I'll go check out Superpowered, your links haven't lead me afoul yet :)

  7. Thanks for the update. Been waiting for it, but I much rather wait a bit for a good, stable game then not wait and get a buggy excuse for something that's supposed to be a game. As with many people, I rarely post, but I'm one of those silent people who greatly appreciate your work and fully understand you are just one person with only so much free time besides your mandatory activities. Ignore the haters, they will allways be there 'cause it's just so d*mn easy to do on the internet. Some people are just never happy and allways find something to complain about. Take all the time you need, true fans can wait!

    1. I will be posting the release/update as a beta, which means there are probably bugs but hopefully less then before, with some new features.

      I you want to avoid the bugs then please wait for the stable release, I do not plan a long beta process, probably a few weeks as I sort out and ui issues and other various bug reports

    2. What I meant was you taking time to fix as many as you can before releasing. I know there will bugs, it's man-made software after all.

  8. cmacleod

    I've been playing your game for a while now, it is a guilty pleasure of mine. You really don't need to apologise for for spending time playing computer games when you could be working on this. Frankly, I am super impressed that you've kept this game going for so long, I hope you still enjoy working on it.
    People can't separate companies who make games for profit and people who make games for fun in their spare time, which is a shame.
    I hope you'll continue to update Slave Maker as you have, but if you ever decide not to, you should know that this is one of the most impressive game projects on the internet and you should be proud of what you've done.

  9. It's a free game that you're working on in your free time while you could be doing something else. It's not like you have a Patreon that you need to keep up with like TiTS and others have.

    That said, any information and new updates are welcome. This game must have caused me to come buckets over the last years.

  10. How can open .RAG format?

  11. I haven't played SM for about a year, and decide to drop by the site, and whaddya know! A new version is coming out! :D

    Since the topic of lurkers came up.. I started playing the game almost 10 years ago, and this is my first comment. That's a lot of replay value!

    1. Same here Christopher, I started playing this game since the very first Slave Maker a long time ago, joined the FP forum to keep up and even done a little of item code placement on a number of the XML slaves. Shows you how long-lasting this game has been. Thank you Cmacleod42 for providing years of entertainment.

  12. I've been holding off on downloading this again, since I reset my computer last week, and it takes a ton of time on my crappy wi-fi to download. Can't wait to play again!

    1. Please note: the beta I will be posting is an update of the game, it is not a full version, so if you want a full copy you will have to wait for the beta test to be completed or get the earlier 3.4.01 release

  13. I have been playing this game for years. It has provided me with many hours of enjoyment. I just wish to thank Cmacleod for all of his efforts to keep so many of us entertained.

  14. Take your time, MacLeod. I know exactly how it feel to work on a software project like this. Most of the time, I'd just leave it and have some rest for a couple of days just because of boredom. But you, despite of your health problems, keep going on working. I salute you, many thanks!
    I'll be clearing my bandwidth while waiting for the next version to be released :D

  15. I understand that you wish this game to be a totally free to the public. However there are many of us who would like to say thank you with a small donation. I have severe health issues which pretty much confine me to my home. You're game has provided me with many hours of amusement. Please set up a paypal account and a button to accept donations. If only 1000 of us send you five or ten dollars you should be able to setup a cloud system of your own, build a killer system, and setup a server so that you never loose info again. Again many thanks for your hard work and dedication to your public.

    1. Sorry, I have always maintained for this game I will not and cannot take donations. It is a matter of issues around some content is used without permission (some CG sets for instance) and I do not think it right to charge for other peoples work. I do this for fun, not money.

      Thanks for the offer and suggestion, but no.


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