Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Heads up

Ok, I think I have the beta for version 3.5 working fine. Aside from ui changes I have also fixed issues reported for the previous beta releases
- auto winning combats and several other problems for combats
- some events missing images
- missing Apron event and a range of other events missing for same cause
- some events for Marey broken

Warning, the beta is purely an update, it has to be applied to an existing game installation. No doubt there will be quirks, bugs etc with it, but it is better than the last betas and has the revised ui.

I am doing a couple of additional tests to check some events here and there (mine quest, Arak and Faeries) once complete I will post the beta.

I have been a little unwell today and yesterday, so it may be posted either tonight or tomorrow night.

Too late for a release tonight, I found a couple of issues that took a bit to fix. One was where you have Ranma's mother Nodoka in the game and also the minor slave Nodoka, they conflicted nastily. I have that fixed after a complex change.
So release tomorrow night then, goodnight all.
ready enough for the beta release, packaging/uploading now


  1. Looking forward to playing this update, Rest Well Dude.

  2. Post it and have some rest for a couple of days or even weeks. You deserved it.

  3. Replies
    1. Aye, we all are. It'll be ready when it's ready. Cmac, you should really do a patreon or at least a donation setup.

    2. How many times has this been suggested? People would gladly donate, but here's the problem:
      He's not doing this for money, and if he accepts money in any form it could be construed as selling someone else's work. This could result in a long, lengthy and costly court battle. We may never see another version of SM is any of this happens.
      At the end of the day, some (if not most) of the images in this game are copyrighted.

  4. YES! You beautiful creature!
    I've been waiting for the auto-win and apron events to be fixed! Thank You~~~!

  5. I am French and I appreciate SM. Thank you for taking your time to this project and especially take care of you

  6. Hey I read a long while back about the Aeris slave having issues actually changing the slavemasters cocksize. I just went through the Aeris slave today and found that while the number doesn't change after the morning and during sexual events, it seemed like her events still managed to trigger. I only got her cumslut ending though, so I cannot be sure. But if possible could someone look into it, just in case? I'd hate to see such a drawn out slave to be gimped by a stat display not changing.

  7. out of curiosity is this going to be an update only release because its a beta? or should i start trying to update my old 3.3 file? I took a break for a while and planning on starting this game again just wondering. i know when i tried to download the last complete version none of the links seemed to work for me.

    1. My guess is that when this beta will be tested by the players for a while, the biggest bugs fixed, and cmacleod's time and health will allow, he will release it as full version.
      Before then, chances are that one of the players will update the full version in a way, for others to download.

  8. Can anybody help me? how to make your slvae or your pupil to get pregnant, becasue i already change the configuration fille, the default fertility percentage to 100%, and then so itry and try and try but nothing happens, and now not even a single tentacle showed up .-. did i broke the game .-.

    1. Potion screen, uncheck birth control box. If that dosent work then they cannot get prego.

    2. do you know where can i find the list of girls that can be prego or not.

    3. I think all of them can, unless it's hardcoded into them.

    4. i think i might havent updated the bugs for the pregnancy thingy. can anyone give me the link t fix the pregnancy bug?

    5. Try disabling the realistic body change mod, by renaming or deleting

      Almost all slaves can become pregnant, assistants generally no before they confess love to you.

    6. can they birth any child? bcoz my slave already been pregnant for a really long time .-.

    7. Sure, but pregnancies last 9 months for a human. Tentacles are around 2 or so weeks.

    8. um.. 1 more question, sorry if i ask to many question ehehe, what happen when my slave is pregannt with a human child , and then a tentacle rape her?

    9. They are raped. The existing pregnancy is unaffected,

  9. so the beta will be release tonite right

    1. I am just working on a last bug, once fixed I will release

  10. after this update Your deserve to take a rest for a couple of weeks ! i just dont know , something about this game make me addicted lol. Good Job !

  11. Links fail for me. The first says too many others have downloaded, the second says the file has been removed.


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