Thursday, August 23, 2012


I recovering from my illness, not 100% but better.

I am on schedule for a release of version 3.3 this weekend. I am creating the install packages and doing some final testing and debugging.


  1. until you have an apprentice or a successor of some sort then i suggest you take your time and keep your health high and STAY IN BED DRINKING CHICKEN SOUP AND OJ!

    1. That sounds pretty selfish. Like "Ur important to us as long as ur responsible for the game. After that u can go die if u want." :-P

    2. well damn.... way to twist that up.

    3. M.I.A. (Maia Iliana Arina)August 24, 2012 at 12:08 AM

      I've never thought of THAT approach... Then again, I’ve read pretty much the ‘take care of yourself’ part.

    4. I have installed Windows 8 on my PC, and not can't play the launches, but I can load a save, and I can change tabs in the game, so get stuck pretty quickly. Any ideas of workarounds?

  2. Woo Hoo ! I look forward to a complete play-through from a fresh install.

  3. M.I.A. (Maia Iliana Arina)August 23, 2012 at 11:21 PM

    That's amazing. I'll be able to make a new assistants + fix release after 3.3 comes out, and playing the heck out of the game.

  4. yay!! (nothing constructive here)

  5. Good to hear on that status update, but I got to say, that must have been one hell of a bug to last so long.

  6. will this have the 3ed party updates too?

    1. yes, everything so far released

    2. I will sacrifice virgin ... olive oil on my virgin ... shrimps salat I put on altar dedicated to you once it will get released

  7. Will the pony girl be available if using advanced creation?

  8. Take it easy if you just do not relieve sobresfuerces wishes you well you're lucky.

  9. Glad to hear you're getting better! I'm a big fan of the series you're making and really appreciate your efforts at releasing 3.3! I'm eagerly looking forward to it :D

  10. Once you upload 3.3 take a break for a while. Like a week without working on SM3, it might help you recover a bit faster.

    1. Take a break, to be sure. By actually PLAYING the game for once instead of working yourself to a frazzle debugging it. :-)

      Tabrit and Birgit Ilsen,
      Ilsen Badhus,
      5 King's Road,
      Mardukane, Mioya

  11. Great news all around! But yeah, do take a break after this to fully recover, you deserve it =)

  12. Always know that your work is appreciated across the globe and that even if you have to take time off for rest or personal reasons, no one will fault you or harp for more. You have changed the very way people view flash games as a whole, and have created something relevant for decades to come.

    I sincerely thank you for your efforts.

  13. Woot! A great big thanks for your effort! Take a long break and recover completely after this.

  14. Can't wait until the slave of Sailor Moon is released.

  15. Well good luck and hopefully you manage to crush most of the major bugs you have been dealing with.

    I mean the only issue I have is that a few slaves don't show any of thier images at all, and the pictures happen to be in the right folder and everything, so I have no idea what's wrong there.

  16. I watched my xml files and some were slave maker agrege path "images / slaves / and the name of the slave by copying a file path for slm3 done and it worked. forgive some inconsistencies but as donot write very good English I using the google translator.

  17. guys can you teach me how to modify the save file so that i can have max stat?

    1. First, you have to focus your mind. Imagine yourself alone, sitting at a computer. Look forward, deeply into the screen. Let your eyes drift past it, through it, like a river flowing into a great ocean. The life surrounds you. The shadows take form - fish, dolphins, whales. The sounds of life surround you. You are one with the current, one with the universe. It is you and you are it.

    2. damn anonymous august 24 2012 3.09 PM

      You are not helping at all~~

      Why I ask this coz I am quite lazy to lvl ing up to get
      Slavemaker skill lvl 3 @_@ for every available skill

    3. You must close your eyes and focus; let your mind wander and let the machine-spirit guide you.

      Visualise yourself in the bitfields and op-codes; float amongst the registers and caches.

      Find yourself standing before the Great Library, and take those first tentative steps inside. The amount of knowledge there will be, at first, insurmountable, but you must force yourself to persevere. The journey will be long and arduous, but it will well be worth it.

      Your newfound knowledge should serve you well. At long last, before you lies the few precious bits that you have searched for all this time. They will look like any other bytes, but these ones will hold a significance - a meaning.

      Reach forward, young one, and manipulate!

    4. Or you could easily inject javascript code when you start game trough any browser :)

      Run the .swf in an internet browser and type one of the following into the address bar and hit "Enter." Make sure you remove the space from "java script"
      java script:document.embeds[0].SetVariable("VarGold", 1000000);

      no space in between javascript

      And now variable you want the most is COMPLETE LIST :)
      Ok its not complete but almost complete :)

      [I was forced to upload is as TXT, its too long to post as comment :)]
      [It will be uped for about month before it autodeletes, please do not edit it unless you want to add new variables :)]

      Training time is really usefull if you want to play real freelancer slavemaster, and I use this one and get refined lvl 1 on my freelancer save.
      All others are cheat in one way or another. But as freelancer slavemaster you are supposed to get unlimited time to train. So you can really make perfect slaves and get many stats increases in that time so changing anything except timer will ruin your freelancer experience :)

      There is also variable for Skill points but I forgot [lost] that one but if you want to really cheat you can add all skills maxed out trough above scripts, or edit game sol file and change free skill points amount for next slave.

      Fatigue - If you enter negative value you will get infinite fatigue, it will usually fix itself after save/load

      Love - enter 99 and you will get love confesion as next event
      If you enter 100 or more you will never triger it

      Gold - do not use this as it almost everytime bugs itself and you will end with Rich Slave ending

      PS: Sorry I was only lurking for past year and posting only anonymously :)

    5. Or use adobe air + minerva. It works!

    6. Another option (if you're using windows) is to download a free hex editor like "Hex Editor Neo". When you've done this you need to have started the game, saved a file (for example save slot one) and completely exited the game. I would make sure it actually saved by starting up the game again and loading before attempting any further steps. At this point Adobe Flash will have created a bunch of save files you can manipulate with your Hex Editor.

      The save files are hidden the path (if you're using windows 7) AppData --> roaming --> macromedia --> Flash Player --> #SharedObjects --> --> local host --> (from here it's the path to your game). If you are having trouble finding the directory try searching for (if you saved to the first slot) sm1.sol and when you find it use the "open this directory" option. Once found you may want to create a short cut to the folder.

      Once you find the save directory you'll find a bunch of .sol files all of these are for the game's different parts but there are two you'll want to focus on most. You may want to save the game to another slot before attempting any changes. Let be the slot you saved to:


      It can look confusing, but basically you'll have to sift though the hex info till you find the variables you're looking for. As warned don't adjust the slave's gold unless you want the "Rich" ending, but you can adjust the slavemaker's gold without to much trouble. The biggest issue you'll have will be the figuring out how values translate to the game, I'll leave that to you as I'm sure you saved a backup of the game before screwing with it.

      You'll need to close the editor before attempting to save over that slot again, and it's best to close it before attempting to load from the slot, but I'll leave that to you too.

    7. Just use FF FF FF for 16 M gold as in any old Dos game :P

      Or use mentioned Minerva which runs on adobe air
      It makes editing sol super easy

      But no cheating is bad only accetable cheat is training time and maybe Refined skill on 0,5 expertise [so you actually need one skill point to activate]

    8. YEahh thanks a lot you guys are so kind

      I will save all of those super valuable comment on notepad.
      And I hope i can help others guys who is lazy to lvl up.
      Like what you did to me.

      Thank you so much especially for Sappho Shoujo

  18. take some cold fx and drink lots of water youll be fine in a day

  19. Legendary game man. Excited for the new release.

  20. Hi. I'm new here, and i want to try out your game. can you give me step-by-step instructions on how to download the game? I dont wanna install the wrong thing and waste my time. Help appreciated, thank you!

    1. Wait for new release [this weekend]
      After that download game package [It will be prolly divided to multiple parts, if so than you need to move all downloaded parts into one directory for next step]
      Unpack it [7zip, or winrar needed] to any directory, for example Linux - noone will search that directory for pron :P
      Than just run Slavemaker3.exe, or open slavemaker3.3.swf file in any web browser.
      You are done enjoy, and use wiki at otakubell for in depth info :)

      I bet at release there will be nice mini tutorial included how to do it.
      So just wait with us :)

    2. Game package as in the one in the link in the sidebar at the right? I tried that one and it told me to wait 4 hours for the download. I have a really good computer so i dont think it's a mistake. do i need to download all 3 parts? and if i do, do i need to make a separate folder for all 3? or put them all in 1 folder?

  21. Breath and relax, just relax and get better, this can wait you know. Bodily health is more important then this.

  22. Will there be a complete changelog? I haven't been following the betas.

  23. Is the Tentacle Raid event fixed or is it a 3ed party who still needs to fix that?

    1. Third party. I think it's Kaiser Ryu's idea/work (primarily) so it's up to him/her/them to fix it. Until he/she/they fix it, modify the Events file and remove it.

    2. The event will not be included in the 3.3 release as a working version has not been released

  24. Anyone know when'll be finished Red Lilly?

    1. Im interested in red lily too.

    2. Red Liliy is a 3rd part event, developed by Rowadon, no announced new versions yet

    3. Damnit ... Where can I contact Rowadon so that I can tell him he must finish it?

    4. AgreeAgreeAgree!!! The ability to have the SM dominated is amazingly enticing. Please, Rowadon, we are asking nicely!

  25. interested in a full download package... & a package including all slaves

  26. Hi, whenever I turn the game off, then open it again, my saves are gone. I don't change anything on my computer between games. I am using windows vista. Can someone help me?

    1. Save games are a form of cookie, called Local Shared Objects.

      You probably have your browser set to delete all cookies on exit, you will have to remove that option. Check all browsers you commonly use

    2. I don't actually have that option turned on, and I am using Adobe Flash Player 9 to play the game, rather than my browser. Thank you very much for the quick reply btw, I appreciate it.

  27. First we need to find an island, remote and inhabited by only very attractive woman and furnished with everything you could ever want. Second we need to get you stranded there. Third after everyone has played through the game enough that individuals become agitated and begin to gripe about wanting another update we will air drop a laptop onto your island. Fourth between luxurious sessions with the island woman you will work on the game at your own convenience. Fifth when the rest of civilization discovers you we will have invented and implemented holographic computer graphics and your game will be better than ever! On a more serious note: Get some R&R!

  28. Glad to hear you getting better. Now I'm hoping it stays that way.
    Remember to always relax and take it easy. :>

  29. How does sickness even dare to affect someone like you?


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