Tuesday, August 26, 2014


I have been a little unwell recently so the update 3.4.01 is still in development. A number of fixes are complete but others are still pending.

I have done some small changes otherwise, bug fixing can be a little boring at times.

I am tweaking the fairy encounters so one possible reward for helping the fairies is a willing fairy slave, Pfil, from the mangas 'Bondage Fairies' by Kondom. These are early H-Mangas I remember fondly, despite the bestiality/insect-sex in it. Pfil is an almost complete slave.

I also have another fairy slave planned you can rescue from a spider-girl in the forest, based on Mercedes from 'Odin Sphere'. She is a young character and generally flat-chested, but I do not think underage.

I have also updated the minor slaves Maid Tara and Anesthesia for additional images and events.

In 3.4.01 there will be the ability to train fully any minor slave. If you do then you will see a lot of default images, but a few minor slaves are updated for more images (Maid Tara, Anesthesia, Pfil, Mercedes and a few images here and there for others)


  1. Very much looking forward to it. Get feeling better and have a nice day.

  2. I look forward to the new update. Hope you feel better soon. The last update was awesome! Thanks for all the hard work and providing such a cool game for free.

    I know you have been busy but just wondering I you had time to look at the XML conversion for the slums I did? If you have more or need changes to what I did let me know.


    1. Ahh, sorry I remember you telling me, and I forgot! I will check!!

    2. no problem

  3. Wont know if fap to Pfil or be overwhelmed by nostalgia.

    1. Yeah. Still have the Eros Comix versions sitting in a box up in my closet alongside the Bare Bear version of La Blue Girl. Definitely looking forward to seeing Pfil in game.

  4. So just a quick question. Sorry if it's been answered. I liked the ability to swap in and out images in the folder for personal favorites. In the latest release, some slaves are in a .swf format. Will the option to edit or customize these be made available at any stage?

    1. Since Cmacleod doesn't develop all slaves, he is not "responsible" for / in charge of their pictures.
      So I don't think it is possible to make it so that every slaves pictures can be easily swaped.

    2. There is a method in place now but only partly.

      You can add Iamges xml nodes like xml slaves use to the xml for the swf based slave. Add the image folder and images, also add the neccessary buit to the SlaveGirlxx.txt file to note the image folder.

      The game will them randomly use these images AS WELL as the existing images, about 10 percent of the time.

    3. Neat. Thanks for the reply. *runs of to tinker and brake things*

  5. glad to see you are not "only" fixing stuff and changing mechanics, but also still adding content. great work, much appreciated.

  6. request: add gay bar work act; gay brothel work act, . . ., and rim job sex act.

    1. Bar and Brothel work can have gay versions, it is a matter of the developer for the slave to supply and choose the images, and alter text as needed.

    2. request: add gay bar work act; gay brothel work act, . . ., and rim job sex act. ( I mean a choice of gay or straight generic version image ) to move the slave state two sexuality bar gay or straight during the day .

  7. Here's a thought including a 'work at ' option in the 'give orders' for the minor slaves would make the game a lot more vivid dont you think?

    1. I always thought ponyslaves could be used for public transport and carts.

    2. There is a 3rd party addon "Take You Slave for a Date" being developed at the futanari palace. This includes as an extra additional jobs in the Give Orders area

      By the way there are jobs already in the Give Orders if you live in the Brothel or Onsen

  8. Sounds Neat! I can't wait for the next version, whenever it comes. I have a few questions are any of the following bugs being fixed in the next update?
    -Love Heart doesn't display properly until reloading
    -Reloading Lesbain Slave will switch Trib and Cunn back to Fucking ad Blowjob
    -Many slaves are missing images or will have events and special ending missing such as Sakuya and Bulma for endings and Elesa for Actions to name a few
    -Most endings above sex addict seem not to occur (none have for me despite meeting the requirements for higher endings or special endings, wedding being the exception) since I upgraded to 3.3
    Text overlay errors
    - Slaves name often replaced with (undefined) in events and endings
    - Freelance Slavemakers will still get exceeded alloted training time if a buyer is found later than the ending of the guild varient, likewise, if found less than a week before that event, the ending will occur before the last week finishes
    Some slaves that have owners plotwise such as Zelda will not sell w/o finding an owner as a freelanced but still incur the selling twice penalty

    Also curious if we will see the puppy girl track fleshed out (ending, events, progression) and the implementation of other training variants
    Out of curiosity, I noticed in Sakuya's Training she devloped the prefix Anal Slut, Similar to the Cum Slut that comes from Kasumi or the ST 2+ Skill. Is that unique to her or something that is coming soon, as I haven't been able to replicate it with others. It didn't seem to affect the ending or anything, just curious. I found no mention of it on the wiki.

    Thanks for all your work!

    1. Please see my post
      "I have been a little unwell recently so the update 3.4.01 is still in development. A number of fixes are complete but others are still pending."

      Anal Slut is specific to Sakuya only at this time.

    2. I have a suggestion. If you have a slave, assistant, and/or minor slave that is pregnant, can you show the growing belly on them?

    3. It is difficult to do this, as most character do not have a large range of pregnant images and you only rarely get a size progression for a pregnancy.

      So to implement this would mean editing man images for the size progression and this is a lot of work to do.

    4. I understand but I mean at the screen where the slave wear equipment and dresses (or assistants where you can either discuss of get intimate with the assistant), maybe you could do it there instead.

    5. There would still be a lot of edits to do this. 7 dresses and 1 or more naked images, all to be edited for the stages of pregnancy.

      The game does support showing Pregnant images for these for xml based slaves, it is just no-one has supplied the images except in a few limited cases, Mai Shiranui as a pregnant image shown when she is naked for instance.

  9. Replies
    1. I do not know, I am not the developer for her. Her developer is still active at the Futanari Palace so hopefully

    2. I have been thinking, can her "Futacadabra" spell be removed if DMG becomes a permanent dickgirl?

    3. Once again, I am not her developer.

      I would suggest you post any ideas or suggestions in her development thread at the Futanari Palace

  10. Are there plans to make Special Endings avalible to Freelance Slave makers? Or is that still a guild only privilege (I prefer begin freelance but Endings missing can sway ya know!)

    1. I hope not. Sometimes the only way to get those special endings is with the extra training time as a freelancer, or A LOT of save and loads.

    2. That is kind of my point, It is my understanding that Freelancers cannot at the present time get the special endings, hence why I ask if that is to be changed as guild members only seems kind of harsh. Or is that just a bug. I always play as freelancer yet the only special endings that work for me are Kasumi and Shampoo. I tried as a guild member for a little and voila, special ending worked again.

    3. The trouble is almost all endings are written assuming you are a Freelancer. The text assumes the slave has been sent off to their new owner and you are visiting to review. A majority were written before the addition of Freelancers to the game.

      So to prevent this inconsistency I have disabled all endings for Freelancers if you do not sell the slave.

    4. Hi, cmacleod.
      Away from current topic, actualy away from slave maker. Btw, i enjoyed the game, alot & i would like to get in contact with you, to share some idea's & especially one, concerning a new game, that maybe you could help with. I dont mean by that, obvious... you've got your hands full of work with SM, but maybe you know someone who might be intrested, cose a game would be incradible, i have no doubt about it & as i have no experience in creating games on my own, it comes down to sharing an idea with someone who could forward it in right direction. That's my email adress, michelnawrot@gmail.com. As for curiosity, if you do not have time.

    5. That might explain the bug then, them being disabled and all. I haven't gotten the no sell thing to work with freelancers (maybe I just don't know how) So I always sell em, I do however use the Love revision to keep several of them and that might cause it? All I know is that None of the special endings or regular endings above sex addict excluding wedding have worked while playing as a freelancer, regardless of Love or not but always sold. The only endings I have gotten are sex addict, wedding, and one normal ending. As well as Shampoos wedding special (mother or something) and Kasumi's Champion and special cumslut endings. Special Trainings are sometimes mentioned, sometimes ignored, (I have tried the 2nd and 3rd tier Ponygirl, perfect Catgirl, Lv 1 Lesbian, and both methods of attaining cumslut (kasumi and Slut trainier 2) and they are mentioned maybe 1/10 times (in the delivery phase, not that actual "ending" so thats also off from what I remember from earlier versions) but it is my understanding that that is a known bug of my current version (3.3.4)

    6. Addendum: My confusion stemmed from a recollection that special endings did in fact work for freelancers in 3.2.x, Again, I never figured out how to just not sell them, after 140 days of training I figured that I would just sell them so if its more than that, I donno however they are not working for sold, non love reclaimed slaved w/ freelancer. In any event, I know that a lot of bugs will be fixed in the next version. once you are feeling better (no rush, health first) So I was just mentioning it as I had seen something regarding the missing endings posted about 3.3.

  11. Hi, cmacleod.
    Away from current topic, actualy away from slave maker. Btw, i enjoyed the game, alot & i would like to get in contact with you, to share some idea's & especially one, concerning a new game, that maybe you could help with. I dont mean by that, obvious... you've got your hands full of work with SM, but maybe you know someone who might be intrested, cose a game would be incradible, i have no doubt about it & as i have no experience in creating games on my own, it comes down to sharing an idea with someone who could forward it in right direction. That's my email adress, michelnawrot@gmail.com. As for curiosity, if you do not have time.

    1. In general I prefer to not use email except with friends. Fell free to join one of the forums and PM me there

  12. 3 cheers for non loli flat chest ^_-


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