Beta 15
Upgrade (120Mb)
Full version of the beta NOT a complete game (700Mb)
This addresses a number of bugs and additions to the game. Hopefully we
are getting close to fixing most of the issues for this beta. I think
all major/game halting issues for the game are now corrected
- fixes issues with the Beach and Bulma not finding a DragonBall there
- Fixes major problems for Morrigan
- Some fixes where for some games Cumslut Kasumi did not work correctly and allow more cumsluts to be trained
- a few performance fixes
- some xml fixes
- plus other fixes, but not as many as I hoped due to health issues
- a new option to make catgirl encounters more frequent
- xml can set total and level variables
- new weapon type 'Thrown' + skill, but no such weapon yet, will be added soon
- plus some other requested changes
To install
a) you must have either version 3.2.06 or a version upgraded to a previous beta
b) install the full beta 15 by extracting the archive into the game installation
c) install the beta 15 update over a previous beta version
As always this is not really for general gameplay, this is purely for testing and evaluation. I hope to release the full and stable version in the near future
EDIT: Optional Fix
Here is a small change to the beta
This corrects a bug for Ino (actually a bug IN Ino). Also adds a Mac .app. Install by extracting over the beta 15.
This is quite optional and has minimal effects if you are not training Ino
Other Updates
M.I.A's releases
French translations
Snow White
Other Girls
Wedding Peach upgrade
update give her 6 new Discuss images, better de-texted images for the
Rape event, 1 new Intimacy image, 2 new Tentacles images and some new
effects: +10 Joy and +5 Love each day. Now that’s a cheap way to get the
Love confession and the ending! Then again, Wedding Peach is, in canon,
a ‘Love Angel’. She fights demons with ‘Love Waves’. Her power is Love,
so… Plus her description did state that ‘’Tremendous joy and powerful
love are always in the air when she’s around.’’ However, if this boost
combined with her Natural Talent (also Love) is too over-powered, I will
lower it. Her Price is also raised a bit.
Minor Slaves
And here is a mini update for my Minor Slaves, since I’ve added the
‘Age’ and ‘BloodType’ nodes to them. (Of course, they are all 18 and
Download Link:
I’ve also done the same
mini-update (age/blood type) with all my assistants. Some infos for the
blood types are from the official sources, others are fan-made.
Download Link (xml files only):
Nina Windia Update
Kaiser Ryu released an update for Nina
KEEP IN MIND: I am on a new computer and have been waiting for SM
3.3 to arrive before downloading, therefore I have NOT been able to
test this at all. It compiles correctly and I didn't try to do anything
super complicated, but you never know. Please inform me of anything that
looks weird. I haven't done much of anything with images aside from
adapting to the new organizational pattern Cmac is using, as my compy
has decided to stop giving me small thumbnail images for a preview. So
not going to go hunting blind. I'll deal with it later.
In the new release: Two new scenes, one with Momo at the beach
and one with Deis while relaxing at a sleazy bar. Including the
automatic scenes at the very start of training, that should bring us to 2
Nina alone scenes, 3 scenes with Rinpuu (one needs a bit of BE before
it triggers), 2 with Momo, and 2 with Deis. There is still no way to get
a Love confession, and Nina's Magic stat should never go above 50. The
new scene with Deis will eventually lead to a new custom planning, even a
visit location, but it is NOT available yet.
Dark Magician Girl
regigiga released an update
Here is the update. Hope it's good.
Next update:
- Start adding spells and summons
- Add 'Corrupt Sorceress' Bad End
- A few other things
Thf772 released an update
This update does NOT include the new event. The new event will be a separated update in order to change things little by little.
What this update includes:
-A new dress (WARNING: may cause problems with existing saves)
-Animated images
-New images
-Transparent images
Version for download:
3.25.032 - β (might remain minor bugs)
|DropBox 7z
|DropBox RAR
|DropBox ZIP