Sunday, December 9, 2012

Slave Maker 3.3.03

this is a bug fix release for the recent 3.3.02. It corrects all significant bugs and introduces some minor new features.

Chaos-X released a minor slave Ringo and she is included in this release. There are some image fixes and additions for some minors slaves.

Otherwise as noted this fixes bugs in the 3.3.02 release. This will also include a full version of the game allowing a complete install. There will be several types of the install and I will describe these below

Upgrade Install
This is an installer that allows you to update an existing version of the game, and upgrade it from version 3.3.01 or 3.3.02 to the current version 3.3.03
This is not a complete game, it is an update, you must have an existing game installation to use this.

uploading revised version

Download from one of the provided mirrors and copy/move the file into your existing game installation. Extract the archive using your choice of unarchiving program (WinRar, 7zip for instance)

Now you must move several folders. In version 3.3 most slaves image folders have moved from the folder Images are are now in Images/Slaves.
So open a file browser, Windows Explorer for Windows users, Finder for Mac OSX for example. Browse to your game installation and then locate the folder Images.
You will see a subfolder named Slaves and a series of other folders for example Gardevoir, PantyAndStocking.

Move the following folders from the Images folder and drag or otherwise move them into the Slaves subfolder
Dark Magician Girl

DO NOT move the folders Morrigan, Sophitia, Musashi, or the others like Miss N, Parties, Minor Slaves etc


Download the torrent from one of the mirrors provided. Then open in your choice of bittorrent client. When the update finishes downloading browse to the downloaded folder and copy all files and folders from the download into your current game installation, replacing or merging when asked.

As for above you must also move the images folders from Images to Images/Slaves as instructed.

Full Installation
This is a full and complete installation of the game, including all released content and the latest upgrades and 3rd party releases. This is quite large at 3.91Gb.

At this time only a torrent is provided for the full installation. Filhost versions will be provided for the Packs version (see below)

To help me seeding the torrent and speed your download, depending on your client you can use this torrent to upgrade your existing game installation. To do this you can

a) rearrange the image folders as described above for the upgrade, moving selected folder from Images to Image/Slaves
b) copy or rename your existing game installation to
SlaveMaker 3.3
Note: remember the previous folder name
c) start the torrent and make sure it downloads into the same folder as your current game. If you do not know how to do this you can instead
  • start the torrent, wait for it to allocate all files
  • stop the torrent and exit you client (do not delete the torrent, just pause it)
  • find the folder your torrent client downloads into and the SlaveMaker 3.3 folder it is using
  • copy your current game into that folder, replacing all files when asked. 
  • re-run your torrent client and resume the torrent. It will now continue, and a large percentage of the new version will be complete already
d) once downloaded optionally rename the game folder back to the original one from b). This will preserve your save games


None required.

Filehost mirror provided by svergil (version 3.3.03 NOT 3.3.03a)
note: this does not include the Gardevoir Problem fix, or some M.I.A minor slave fixes.

Theses are the game divided into parts, each allowing selected portions of the game to be dowloaded. This allows you to save download time and bandwidth as you need.

The packs are
  • Basic Pack - this is the core game. It is a basic playable version of the game with a few slaves and assistants
  • Assistants Pack - an add-on that adds many more assistants for the game
  • Minor Slaves Pack - an add-on that adds many more minor slaves to the game
  • Events Pack - an add-on that adds additional content to the game, developed by 3rd party developers
  • Slave Packs 1 to 8 - These are collections of 10 slaves for the game (pack 8 only has 2 at the moment)
Each of these will have a filehost link(s) and a torrent provided.

In all cases instalations is the same
  • filehost - download the file and extract into a folder of your choice
  • torrent - download and open in your bittorrent client
After downloading you may have to merge the packs together. If you just used the filehosts and extracted all into the same folder nothing more should be needed.
For the torrents for most client nothing additional is needed. You may need to move and combine folders to merge them together for some clients and operating systems.


Basic Pack
to upload

Assistants Pack
to upload

Minor Slaves Pack
to upload

Events Pack


Slave Pack 1
to upload

Slave Pack 2
to upload

Slave Pack 3
to upload

Slave Pack 4
to upload

Slave Pack 5
to upload

Slave Pack 6
to upload

Slave Pack 7
to upload

Slave Pack 8


I will not provide magnet links for torrents, please do not ask. If someone else provides me such a link I will repost.
I will be seeding the links for the next week. After that time I will be unavailable on holidays for 2 weeks and will not have internet access for that time.

Torrent Problem
the first torrents for the update and full version I uploaded had a minor issue, thet included the update folder + rar unnecessarily.

I have stopped seeding the originals and replaced the torrents, links changed in the post above

You can still resume the download if you started downloading one of the previous torrents, just stop the torrent, download the new one and then start it. It will resume the using the previously downloaded files

Gardevoir Problem
 I altered Gardevoir's xml file for the moving of folders I mentioned above. I made an error in the edit.

To fix download the following file and copy into the Slaves folder for your game installation

M.I.A Problems
 I messed up merging some updates by M.I.A and some minor slaves are incomplete or missing. M.I.A has posted a fix for all their assistants and minor slaves

My apologies for this issue. I will update the full torrent to include this fix tonight.



  1. Thanks for listening to my requests, not many manage to create a flash game so popular and listen to people who follow their work.

    gracias por escuchar mis peticiones, no muchos logran crear un juego flash tan popular y escuchar a las personas que siguen su trabajo.

    1. I could not find a proper place to post my opinion then posted the same here. the background looking for a slave maker noticed the existence of converted by tentacles, at first I thought it was spiritually converted or that she was allied them. playing with a man slave maker (with bad end on) I noticed that it actually means that the tentacles turned you into a woman. watching by that point why not explore this possibility as a way to survive when you lose a fight in the kidnapping of tentacles.

  2. Thanks for all the hard work.

  3. you sir are a legend enjoy the well deserved holiday.

  4. Hey could you leave your computer/laptop on overnight to let everyone else torrenting a chance to finish torrenting quickly?

    1. As I posted I will be seeding for the next week

  5. M.I.A. (Maia Iliana Arina)December 9, 2012 at 1:26 PM

    While downloading the torrent for the full version, I had noticed a folder called 'Update3303'. So I need to keep this folder and to overwrite the game files with its content, or is this folder only used for those who which to update their game, version 3.3.02?

    1. It waw an accident. Sorry about that, please ignore the folder

  6. excuse me, but I moved all the folders from images to the slaves subfolder in images...but its still not working, the images won't appear when I pick gardevior.

    1. Have you downloaded and installed the updgrade?

      You need to move the folders and extract the upgrade into your game folder.

    2. There is a typo in a change I dod for Gardevoi.

      Edit the file
      Slaves/Slave - Gardevoir.xml
      and change line 7 to be

    3. or download and copy this file into the Slaves folder for your game

    4. thanks soooo much, NOW it works. :) little thing I learned from scripting...its alllways the little details in code that screw you over or that you miss or get ya

    5. anyway, thanks again. as adam from mythbusters would say....."THERE'S your problem"

    6. I thought that was more a Jamie quote

  7. did something go wrong, do I have to re install the entire game?

    1. No, I posted an upgrade so you can update an existing game.

      The full version is for people who do not have the previous version or want a clean install

  8. Torrent Problem
    the first torrents for the update and full version I uploaded had a minor issue, thet included the update folder + rar unnecessarily.

    I have stopped seeding the originals and replaced the torrents

    Full Version


    You can still resume the download if you started downloading one of the previous torrents, just stop the torrent, download the new one and then start it. It will resume the using the previously downloaded files

  9. i went to the configuration xml and i wanted to edit my slavemaker points again but i couldn't find the line to edit. is it supposed to be like this? thanks

    1. The node is not shown standardly as it defaults to 100 if not listed.

      You have to add a line, not edit one

    2. Huh, it was there in my old version without my touch. Guess you wanted to change something then (or mine was just weird.....)

  10. I still have many folders for slaves in the 'Images' folder, not the 'Slaves' subfolder, that are not mentioned to move, nor to retain in their current location.
    Ryo (only 9 images, labelled Event-[various], and 3 subfolders, for some reason)

    Should each of these be dumped into the 'Slaves' subfolder within Images? And are the rest of the Ryo images xml-based?

    1. All those folders should be in Images/Slaves for their latest version. It depends how you have upgrades.
      a) try training the slave. Do you see images, if so it is fine
      b) if no images move them to Images/Slaves

    2. Thanks for the fast reply.
      Just discovered that Assistants that become part of your household don't show the option to give them orders. (Checked with Lena and Manya & Minea.)

    3. That is correct, they are not slaves for you to order

    4. Something else I've noticed for awhile:
      In the Select Participants screen for Sex Acts, Lena's image occludes most of the selection area-but it is only visual, it doesn't interfere with clicking on different participants--just makes it hard to tell what you're about to click.
      I've had it with some others, but this one is most common, and happens when she's either the assistant or part of the household.

    5. Please check again using 3.3.03, I fixed issues related so it should be fixed

    6. I did. I did not notice any difference in the problem while using 3.3.03. I'm running the game in Safari on a Mac.
      Screenshot of the affected portion:

    7. I just tried testing with Lena and I see no issues with her images both in select participants and in talk to slaves.

      Maybe the image was updated and you do not have M.I.A's last version. This seems unlikely though, as it should no matter.

    8. Also having the same issue with some assistant's images filling the left side of the select participant / talk to dialog. On Linux Firefox in my case. Affected assistants are Angewomon, CecileCroomy, Jade, Lillymon, & Mio and Mayu - possibly others. Assistants that don't do this: Jessica Rabbit, Sora, Manya & Minea, Dr. Shoko Sugimoto. 3.3.02 was also bugged for me - old saves & new games both affected. HTH! Keep up the good work!

  11. Thanks again for all your hard work. :)

  12. Can I ask you when will be next update for Sakuya?

    1. I do not develop Sakuyam C.M. Tyssen does, and he has a thread for her development at the Futanari Palace

  13. Thanks for the release.
    Can you please enable the initial seeding on a torrent for the full version? It's slow as hell now.

    1. I am seeding the torrent now, and have enabled super seeding

    2. Uh, sorry then.
      Magnet for a full version:

    3. And for update:

  14. Replies
    1. I am seeded as I noted above, my upload rate is slow, and it takes a while to upload 3+ Gb

  15. For some reason I'm losing 400gold at the begining of each day, at first I thought it was a glitch with Masumoto and her going shopping event and so would end with her training. But I've moved on to the next slave and it's still happening.

    Living in the mansion, upkeep is saying 2gp a day. Gold is taken as soon as I click on planning the first time each day.

    1. I just tried a game and I do not get any such effect and no ones else has reported anything similar.

      Do you
      a) have any slaves assigned orders? Are any working ?
      b) Does the gold change when you reach the evening screen at all. Money changes from orders take place after daytime planning and before evening.
      c) who is your current assistant

      Are you using version 3.3.03, if so I assume via the update and the filehost?

    2. I'm getting the same issue. I lose 400 gp as soon as I click the planning button in the morning. I am a freelancer living in the Brothel and have Tsunade as my assistant. I have tried removing all my minor slaves from their jobs with no effect, tho I did realize I am not getting any money from them working in the brothel after daytime training even tho I have 5 slaves doing it. The problem started when I updated to 3.3.03 and installed the events pack.

    3. I have some slaves cleaning, cooking, playing. one on security

      No gold changes on the evening screen just as soon as I click on planning in the morning. Kasumi is my current assistant.

      The problem seemed to start when I upgraded to 3.3.02 I can't remember if I was already training Matsumoto when I did that or if she was the slave straight after. Currently using 3.3.03

    4. The problem seems to start when I get to my second slave, it's at that point that I start to loose money every morning I try to plan the day.

    5. Hi, I still do not see any such issue.

      Can one of you please post a save game where you get this issue?

      (god I hate filesharing sites)

      Bit of news, seems it's affecting all my saves not just that one and not just that slavemaker, however it doesn't seem to be present if I start a new game. Slave/assistant doesn't seem to make any difference either.

    7. it`s "cat slave level 2" slavemaker perk fault.

    8. I don't know how, but if this perk is, there is this bug.

    9. Hi, it appears to be an issue in the game with the Catgirl module

      edit the file and see line
      <CatItems CatslaveTrainer = "2" flagsminitialitems-4="false" elapsed="1">
      try removing the spaces around the =

    10. Confirming it didn't work. :(

    11. Quick fix

      remove the "-400" line

      There's probably a bigger problem but it solves the -400 gold/day part

      Works for me

    12. ok that went weird

      Remove the " Money -400 /Money "

      "<" and ">" removed due to wierdness posting.

    13. Your fix is no giving the catgirl items for free. Strange the issue is happening, I do not see from the xml why it would happen every day.

      It should happen on the first day of training for a new slave. That is intentional, but not every day

    14. I'd rather not have to pay for the ears/tail than pay 400gold a day.

      But yeah, it's just a quick and dirty fix to take away the pain, I don't know what the actual problem is.

    15. It is meant to be a on-off purchase per slave, thus the but in the xml
      elapsed='1', so only on day 1 of training a slave

    16. Is there any routine that is executed in the morning by pressing the "Plannig" Button?

      If so, may in that routine be an issue whitch executes parts of the Event-Catgirl.xml? //just thinking out loud

      Btw. i do not have these issue, but i do also not have an Event-Catgirl.xml... is that weird? // I donwloaded the 3.0.1 a couple of Weeks ago somewhere else and it has ~10.1 GB o0

    17. Al,
      yes there is and the catgirl event uses it. This event was released before but was not in 3.3.01

    18. I've had the Catgirl event for a while now, and it's only became a problem since 3.3.02

    19. So if you change the -400 to +400 in the event file, will it give you a bonus 400 every day?

  16. First, I wanted to say thank you for the fantastic game. Second, My AVG antivirus reports a few files as having a win32/heur virus, though webroot does not see these. I am curious if anyone else has had the same claim from AVG or has had everything working fine.

    1. I'm all but certain now, after extensive followup testing, that it was an isolated false positive. My apologies

    2. Can you check your log from AVG and let me know the files that were affected so I can resave and fix the issue

    3. images/slaves/katara/ending - custom 1.png

    4. I have re-encoded the image so the issue should not happen again for that particular file

  17. I can't Visit the witch in peach's playthrough, even though I found the crystal and have 80 intelligence.

    1. M.I.A. (Maia Iliana Arina)December 10, 2012 at 3:13 AM

      Did Peach meet her while walking at the Palace? The sorceress should tell her that Peach can visit at her tower, then the visit option should be available.

    2. I have the same problem, the witch says to visit at her tower but the button doesn't show up on the visit screen.

    3. I also have the problem. She says to visit her, but it does not show up. I'm using 3.3.03a

    4. Has anyone fixed this yet? I've just started Peach, gotten the witch to invite a visit, and nothing on the walk or visit options.

  18. In an earlier post you said that minor slaves working at your home gives you personal gold, but I'm a freelancer and don't have personal gold, so the gold really just doesn't go anywhere.

    And about the amounts being small, consider scaling of gameplay. When you start off and a Dildo is actually a considerable purchase, you shouldn't have any minor slaves to feed. But as you make money and get more slaves, the cost of things should increase, and the cost of a sex toy cannot compare to the daily living expenses of a slave anymore, let alone 50 of them. If your single main slave can work out nearly a thousand gold in a day without much trouble, it doesn't make sense that the expenses for slaves are 0.1 gold. Even when I wasn't freelancer, getting personal gold was very easy. And then the freelancer balance is off the charts, I cannot even find anything that could take away my money. Since I get to keep the money my slave made, the counterpart should be that I have to keep paying for her living to balance things, but since that is currently 0.1g per day, it doesn't work.

    You could make it so as a regular slave maker, the guild supports the expenses of minor slaves, but as a freelancer the cost becomes much more.

    1. The slaves give personal gold, as in to your slave maker. Freelancers only have personal gold in this, so they will earn money for you in the same way

    2. Well, there must be a problem somewhere because no money is gained or lost with 50+ slaves working. Their tiredness and other stats do go up though.

  19. i just noticed that the torrent for the full version is 3.62Gb, but in the description above you say 3.91Gb. is this because of the folder 'Update3303' M.I.A. reported earlier that has been removed?

    as a side note in future you'll may want to consider the torrent as the content of the folder instead of the folder itself.
    I mean let the selectable files be all that's inside "SlaveMaker 3.3" folder and rename "Full Version 3.3.03" to "SlaveMaker3.3" so who, like me, keeps different versions doesn't have a useless folder in the middle.
    i keep versions as \SLAVEMAKER FILES\SlaveMaker3.3.**\ (where ** is 01, 02...) but with the torrent now i have this path: SLAVEMAKER FILES\Full Version 3.3.03\SlaveMaker 3.3\ . i can rename "Full Version 3.3.03" to "SlaveMaker3.3.03" since bittorrent let me do this when i add the torrent, but i can't avoid the "SlaveMaker 3.3" folder and i'm forced to keep it to be able to seed. i'm asking because it's very easy to add a folder to the path, but it's impossible to remove it!

    1. Yes, the size is because of that misplaced folder.

      I am not sure why you get a folder like
      SLAVEMAKER FILES\Full Version 3.3.03\SlaveMaker 3.3
      the torrent just creates a folder
      SlaveMaker 3.3

      I did not want the files in the root of the download as my client by default does not pur then in a subfolder, unless you have one in the torrent itself

    2. that's the point.
      when i add a new torrent (i use bittorrent) the client asks me where i want to download the files (i.e. i set it to X:\SLAVEMAKER FILES, the folder where i keep all different versions), then asks for the name of the subfolder where it will actually download the files (i.e. SlaveMaker3.3.03 in my case) but since your torrent adds his own folder i end up with something like X:\SLAVEMAKER FILES\SlaveMaker3.3.03\SlaveMaker 3.3\. to solve this (i have no power on folders added by the .torrent) i wanted to know if in future you can either rename folder SlaveMaker 3.3 to SlaveMaker3.3.03 or (denied by your answer) create the .torrent from the files inside the folder instead of the folder itself.

  20. M.I.A. (Maia Iliana Arina)December 10, 2012 at 4:09 AM

    I’ve finished downloading the full version 3.3.03 and, like the usual, I always check my releases to make sure everything is there. I know it’s difficult to manage everything, especially for a big game like Slave Maker, but several images updates for my assistants and minor slaves are missing. I’ve found for Lyndis, Fuuka, Leanne, Mia Wayu, Vika and some others. The worst is for Sigrun and Tanith, were only some new discuss images had been included, making those two minor slaves pretty much unplayable. Also, some minor slaves, like Faerie Titania or Parvati, had no images folder at all. I’ll upload the whole assistants/minor slaves, with all updates, in several packs, so anyone could complete their game. Oh, and Imari is still among the minor slaves.

    1. M.I.A. (Maia Iliana Arina)December 10, 2012 at 6:10 AM

      In the end, I did one pack for everything (assistants + minor slaves + updates). It's quite heavy, 261.44 MB in total.

    2. Sorry about that, I though I had gotten all your releases, I must of messed up.

      I'll merge and re-make the torrent tonight with these fixes

    3. M.I.A. (Maia Iliana Arina)December 10, 2012 at 11:24 AM

      No problems.

  21. for those that would rather not use torrents (or are unable to), i uploaded the full version of the torrent to rapidgator is 499mb amounts (should be downloadable to free users):

    note: this does not include the Gardevoir Problem fix.

  22. I have been haveing problems with Retsu Unohana when trying to tran her, her pic does not come up on any part

    1. Can you please check, do you see a folder

      If you instead see
      please move the folder to Images/Slave

  23. Ive got a problem with lady gray event - i lost to her and now she wants me to visit the onsen - but i live in one and there are no such options on the map, the visit screen or slavemaker chores.

    1. M.I.A. (Maia Iliana Arina)December 10, 2012 at 7:11 AM

      It's during the slave's onsen job, with your supervision.

  24. Rapidshare link is already dead so you might want to edit that one out.

    1. all the rapidshare links I posted are working. Which link do you refer to?

    2. I've been having a problem with link 7, it downloads about half then stops and an error message pops up

  25. Can Windows users safely delete the folder? Seems to be only for MacOS users and would free up 20 mb.

  26. Aww, you removed the bit of code in the Configuration.XML file that let you change your starting skillpoints. I used it to screw around with some slave and check out stuff. Was nice to be freely able to change that.

    1. That code was never in the released xml. The code still works, you just have to add it yourself again

  27. @cmacleod42
    just wanted to say i really apreciate all your hard work
    game really has grown since i frist started back when it was only 250mb and now its 3gigs ^_^

  28. how do i upgrade the house? what do i need?

  29. Hi

    I downloaded the 3.3.01 full game, and patched with 3.3.02 and then 3.3.03

    There are a few issues, when I go to the slave market several slaves are missing any images, it looks like all of the Drekas99 minor slaves, ex.. Winry, Lara Croft, April, Valantine ect.. I have no images for these minor slaves but I have the code for them.

    I am also missing slavegirl28.txt and the corresponding pictures. I believe this is Krystal from star fox

    Also one major issue that I have found, and I must admit was fun at first is in the Red Lily. If I play blackjack and just constantly loose then go to Bribe Her, I end up having to pay 5,700 out of my gold but it does not reflect it getting taken out, instead I receive 20,000+ gold for doing this each time. So I can assume one of two things.

    1. The code is screwed.
    2. I am robbing the shit out of the place and running away giggling like a school girl, and the security doesn't give a shit cause I have a big ass sword.

    Hopefully it is the former


    1. Krystal has not been formally released, so she is missing from this release.

      The Red Liliy is a 3rd Party event, and I do not develop it. Please visit the developers blog or thread at the Futanari Palace to report issues for it. Sorry do not have the link at the moment. will post when I get home.

    2. Should be this one:

      5 month of no post, so probably should assume Red Lily development is on hiatus.

  30. M.I.A. (Maia Iliana Arina)December 10, 2012 at 11:01 AM

    While updating the wiki, I had noticed that those minor slaves are not included with the recent game release: Fatina, Healry (Harley Quinn), Supergirl, Wonder Woman and Zoey, all by Drekas99. Now, I know that Supergirl, Wonder Woman and Harley Quinn are in development as full slaves, but Fatina and Zoey??? Anyway, if they won’t be in-game, I’ll remove theirs pages from the wiki. Also, why did I find Fukuya and Haruna images folder (minor slaves) in the full game torrent? Shouldn’t they be here? The same could apply to the minor slave Imari. With the slave of the same name, it cause some engine confusion. (I did remove them, on my side.)

    1. Thanks, another case where I must of missed the release or forgot to apply it. I'll find the post and apply along with yours from before

    2. Don't know why, but seeing M.I.A. schooling cmacleod in release management gives me a chuckle.

      *Pats cmacleod's back in sympathy*

  31. Thanks for all the work.

    Mihoshi friend's house now showing up but you can not visit it.

  32. I upgraded from 3.3.01 to 3.3.03 today and started a new training for an existing SM. I noted that she had a clit size of NaN but didn't think much of it, assuming it was just a display bug. But eventually I decided to investigate and it appears that every single slave (not just the active one) in any newly saved sm#slaves.sol file is missing the ClitCockSize variable entirely. ClitCockSizeStart is still there. I haven't investigated if there are any other missing variables, but can do so if it'd be of help.

    1. Thanks, this had been reported and is fixed. I will upload a fix later

  33. Do i have to start a new game? After upgrading the game, I was in the middle of training Katara. I moved the folders to the slave subfolders and instructed so now when I load into game there's no pictures. Checking to see if I did everything correctly I loaded a new game, picked Katara and everything is working properly, but the question remains do I have to start a new game for this update? I don't want my slave maker stats to restart =(

    1. For now make a copy of katara's folder also in Images folder and the game should play correctly. When you complete trraining Katara delete the
      Images/Katara folder.

  34. I just downloaded the game and my virus scanner picked up a trojan inside slave-kyon.swf. I downloaded it from the main torrent. Is this a false positive or did something get infected?


    2. "Hey, the mediafire link for the torrent isn't working any more. I believe the file was deleted. It would be great if you could fix it sometime soon, I am really interested in your game and can't wait to play it. Thanks you for such an awesome game."


  35. I'm not sure if this has been addressed, but I just recieved the Benten event and saved after that. But when I reload the game, the Refined advantage disappears, and my game continues to play as a follower of Benten (as shown when I Pray at the Church).

    Also, there was at one point when some of my trained slaves and minor slaves suddenly disappeared as if the were never mine to begin with (at least with the minor slaves, who reappeared in the Slave Market). Unfortunately, I no longer have that save, and can't remember what I did to cause that. I reloaded a previous save and it hasn't reoccured so far. I'll keep an eye out for this.

    Anyway, very addicting game. Keep up the good work!

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  36. Can someone reload the torrent data for the basic game. The torrent is blocked on mediafire.

  37. your account mediafire was suspended. cant download torrent files.

    btw if someone have free time send me plz torrent file to mail, thx:

  38. can someone send me links for download

  39. I have recently found this game while looking for something else and i love it, i wanted to say how much fun i find it, i used to play princess maker on my old PC and this game is so much better and covers a wide variety of fantasy and fetish which i find very apealing in a fantasy world.

    I have been looking for a game like slave maker 3 for a long time, so was excited when i read about it, and after coming to your blog page to get it and download it i was not dissapointed.

    I don't know if i'm allowed to make requests here but if i am could i make three possible surgestions for the future.

    1. could it be possible to give your slave maker charcter a personal statistic screen that showed an accurate accout of her stats over the course of her(his) entire campaign, like simaler to your slave sex stats, like example how much she has earned and spent, how many slaves trained and what types, how many sex acts performed and what types, how many battles won or lost that sort of thing.

    2. Would you be willing to raise the limit of your slave makers stats, like charisma and converation ect, seen as it doestn't seem right for a slave maker to produce slave of ungodly beauty when she her self can only be stunning.

    3. If number 2. is a maybe, you could put in a witch type vender who for really large amounts of money say 50,000 gold before your trader discount would break an individual limit on your personnal stats (not your slaves) so that you can reach your true potential. this way you wouldn't ruin the game cause you would have to earn it, and it would give you something more to achieve.

    And finally i don't know if these are bugs in the game or not but i have noticed a couple of things.

    1. whenever you start a new game the Furry Brothel owner forgets who you are and you have to find the lizard encounter again.

    2. the bible black inspired side quest does't reset when you retire and make a brand new slave maker, the house stays and the servent knows you.

    i apreciate yout time and thank you so much for creating such a wonderful game.


  40. someone got a link to a wikipedia of this game or a walkthrough or something?


      Is the link to the SlaveMaker wiki. Do note that it is not maintained by the creator of Slavemaker, and may thus contain errors. It also has wiki's for both version 2 and 3, so make sure you choose the correct one.

  41. I keep trying to start a game and get load failed what am i doing wrong?

  42. Hi! So i've heard great things about this game, and i clicked on the link you posted to install the entire game(not the update) but i think the links are dead... either that or i have no clue what I'm doing. the mediafire torrent you posted states that it's invalid or deleted. is there somehwere i can go that will give me the full download?

  43. Hey um anyone else having an issue with the cosplay contest?

  44. I'm having a problem with the image's not showing up when i boot up the game. any advice?

  45. Invalid or deleted file for the full DL! ;-; Sucks, fen gave this a 9.5 and I was really looking forward to it. Is a reupload possible? :c

  46. Same problem, Linked here from Fenoxo but DL links are dead.

  47. all the mdiafire links are dead....can you please reupload the torrent file to somewhere less

  48. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. here's the link to the torrent,!download|872p11|2849066821|Full%20Version%203.3.03a.torrent|3935|0|0

    2. That link is dead to or at least unavailable to us. Says the user denies permissoin.

  49. I could not find a proper place to post my opinion then posted the same here. the background looking for a slave maker noticed the existence of converted by tentacles, at first I thought it was spiritually converted or that she was allied them. playing with a man slave maker (with bad end on) I noticed that it actually means that the tentacles turned you into a woman. watching by that point why not explore this possibility as a way to survive when you lose a fight in the kidnapping of tentacles.

  50. Mediafire torrent links are dead. Linked from Fenoxo. Was so looking forward to this. Is it possible to be reuploaded?

  51. The full game otrrent link is dead. If possible someone can reupload?

  52. Could you possibly put the torrents up on piratebay or something, I've had a very difficult time trying to download the game. For some reason none of the links are working and I couldn't find anywhere else to download it.

  53. Please re-upload the torrent for the full instalatión and the one for the gardevoir fix. The mediafire link is not working.

    Best regards and thank you

  54. hey cmacleod42, will it change anything in the game if i use flash player 11 instead of the flash player you provided?

  55. Just a quick note. I don't know if anyone else has found this, but there seems to be a bug in the game where after the first slave it starts deleting 400 gold from you every day. I've tried with a few different setups and it always does this. Anyone else seen this or know how to fix it?

  56. I used to play this game and loved it very much but had to delete it from my laptop few years ago. I've been missing it and wanted to come back to see how much the game has grown.

    Unfortunately the mediafire link doesn't seem to be working - it said the file is no longer there?

  57. Same guy from the above post - just noticed there's a release coming up according to the latest blog post so I will just wait for that and hope those links will include the full release. Meanwhile keep up the good work and I'm excited to see how much things have changed since the last time I played the game regularly.

  58. Does anyone know where saved games are stored in this thing? I use Crap Cleaner and it has a distressing tendency to wipe my saves. I can't seem to figure out where they are so I can store them somewhere else and put them back when I need them./

    1. hello, you should be able to locate your saves by reading this web page

  59. I've been working on a .sol backup utility and I'm happy to say it's working but still not ready for a alpha release (need to implement recursive folder searching).
    I will post a link to it once it's done and hopefully the creator of SlaveMaker might want to post it on the website.

  60. Torrent needs reupload somewhere. The availability is ridiculous.

  61. magnet:?xt=urn:btih:1E3258A3049DE81A008B3D7B0AD2C204295E4466&dn=Full%20Version%203.3.03&

    This one still works!

    just paste this line inside utorrent or similar. ( add torrent via url button )

    1. Working for me, thanks!

    2. Same here!
      If anyone can seed I'd greatly appreciate it as it isn't going to fast. I will keep seeding for a while after I'm done

    3. Thank you so much. Yeah it took a bit of reading but i am glad that there was a solution to the torrent files unavailable problem. WTG Guy, or Girl.

    4. Is working fine, many thanks :)

  62. Sorry to bother you, but I have a bit of a problem: All the download links aren't working anymore, so I can't download it. Can you tell me what to do now? I am trying to download the basic game, not the add-on packs.
    Thank you already for reading this and maybe helping me ^^

  63. Ok I'm an idiot - is there a guide on how to download this game? I'm confused which version to download and some links don't work. I hate to take up your time but if someone could hold my hand, I'd be grateful.

  64. even the torrent link for full game is not working =.=

  65. Hi - adding to the fray here - the torent links do not seem to work anymore......

  66. i think...with rapidgator when your account expires, it takes the links down with the account :/ or at least uploading under a non-premium account is only hosted for a month or two

  67. please try to upload complete game to mediafire

  68. Yeah, I really want to play the game but can't find a way to download it. Help please with instructions.

    1. Check out the post by anonymous on january 25 2013 time 1:12 pm just above that magnet is still up and running.

  69. Got game downloaded opens up but when i try to start a new game it doesn't have any words i can flip through the screens then when i get to the slaver maker page no pictures or text what am i doing wrong?

  70. Mediafire no longer allows anyone other than the account holder to access their files so you need to find an alternate method. Mediafire is running scared after what happened to megaupload.

  71. PLEASE HELP ME! I installed SlaveMaker 3.3 a few weeks ago, and despite sticking it into my hidden folder in AppData, if I search anything using the start menu search, everything pops up! IF I search "Rap" I get "SlaveMaker 3.3" and "Tentacle Rape" and that stuff! I FULLY DELETED everything, but THEY ARE still there! ANYBODY could use the search function, and find this shit!! PLEASE TELL ME HOW TO REMOVE THIS! MY family uses this computer! There is no longer any slavemaker folder! I removed it completely! If I try to delete or open the files or the containing folders from the search menu, it just says that it cannot find them! PLEASE help me! Thank you!! I also fully cleared ALL of my search browser's history!!!


    Okay, I'm the Feb 8 2014 4:03PM poster. Attempting to open or delete the files (or to right click and open folder location) gives me an error:

    "Location is not available"

    C:\Users\Family\AppData\Roaming\TGames\SlaveMaker 3.3\etc\etc refers to a location unavailable" blah blah blah.

    PLEASE HELP, I gotta hurry, I can't leave this on the computer! FUCK!

  73. I'm the anonymous from before! I still have the same problem!!

    I don't want to have to system restore my computer, or factory reset it! PLEASE help!!!

    1. you should've put it on a jump drive stupid but, uh to answer your cry for help, I would suggest just deleting the entire folder TGames. Assuming no one else has games in there you should be fine...

  74. Uhhhh none of the links are currently working. Is there a link to Current game version with all add on content?


  75. Yeah, all links are dead :(

  76. Heee,

    Can anyone tell me where i can find v3.3.03 for download?
    mediafire download did not work.


  77. I can't download the game to my mac, where do I go to do it, I've tried everything and still nothing. Do I need Torrent, because from what I can tell, that sites gone or all links to download the site are gone

  78. to get the torrent file vs. the magnet go to:

    P.S. this was right on the first older post page from the home page, make sure to SEED!!!

  79. when will you guys finish krystal?

  80. I seem to have a problem. No text shows up in menus. I can get to the slave maker screen, but at that point no text exists. Could you help?

  81. is it just me or is the torrent link broken??

  82. i want to ask if you guys can send me the link for the new slave packs and update for slavemaker 3 if you can email the link to and if it works can you delete this post please

  83. This comment has been removed by the author.

  84. Again no link works, what is this, how effin hard can it be....

  85. Just point out that the magnetic link from Jan 25 works fine, just downloaded it; enjoy



  86. Great game, I really enjoy playing it. One thing, Red Lilly. I not see any possibilities to fullfill contract I made here. I can drink, socialize or play black jack but not do "work" I signed for.

  87. Played the sm3 1.0, downloading now the 3.01 + 3.03 patch, looking forward to have fun, its addictive and hilarious this game.

    Congrats on the brilliant work!

    1. Oh and for the people who come here bossing around saying that links dont work and they must like if its the developer job to work on this for free 24/7 so you can have fun... please, grow up, really pisses me off that attitude.

      There's something called, being polite, if something is not working just say its not working, don't make sarcastic comments, sorry to be blunt, you are not the center of the world.

    2. A small update, I searched on google and found a working torrent download for 3.01 including all slave and assistant pack, just search for torrents.rar+slavemaker+3, should be on the top hits, don't remember very well. A work-around while links are down here.

    3. Thanks for that tip, I wasn't having luck finding the torrent elsewhere but that did the trick.

    4. cant find the correct link. all i find is crap. could you post the correct link?

  88. the torrent for the full version is not at the other end of of the link you provided ( could I get a valid source for the torrent file

  89. Torrent link indeed not working... Please update!

  90. Yup, torrent link is broken.
    I'm not an expert, but I think this could have been avoided if you pasted the magnet link as well.. :>

  91. Full instalation torrent missing!!

  92. Can't download the torrent file, it says invalid key.

  93. i like other tipe of miror for upgrade of game, because last torrent make my computer full virus, and i not like happening again. Can do that, please?

  94. Damnit I really want to play this...

  95. magnet:?xt=urn:btih:E18E26DE0EF189604612FA8BC5AACF9C92865D92&dn=Slave%20Maker%203.3%20-%20Full%20Pack%20and%20MIA&tr=udp%3a//
    So I found this on the wiki for slave maker I believe it's 3.3 it's a torrent I'll seed it for the next week. Still in process of downloading I'll let you know if it works!

  96. Any chance you can put a link to the torrent that doesn't require an upload to medifire or maybe to another share site, I would like to play the game while waiting for your next update, however just going by the first file rapidshare is going to take me 8+ hours to download.

  97. Please post the tracker to a real torrent tracker and not mediafire, every time I try to update the link is broken! (Magnets are not a fix for this, they don't work on network hardware that can't handle DHT).

  98. if anyone can seed a torrent for the full updated version i'd really appreciate it.


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