Thursday, June 6, 2013

3rd Party Updates


Thf772 has released an update for Gardevoir

Now you can get Shauntal(EN)/Anis(FR) --> Phase 5
Version for download:
5.32.043 - β (minor bugs can be found)
|DropBox 7z
|DropBox RAR
|DropBox ZIP
|Google Drive Folder
*GDrive folder is the most up-to-date (v. 5.32.046)

 Updates for Ariel and Lightning were also released by they appear to just be xml fixes that I included in the last bugfix anyway.

If you want them please visit the Futanari Palace for the fixes. I will include them in the next full release of the game.

The vanilla version of Holo should have an update ready soon.

Game Status
Another bugfix 3.3.04e should be released soon, and correct a remaining pregnancy issue and a number of other bugs, and add some minor new features and events.

Assuming I add nothing signficant bugwise this will be the last of the 3.3.04 series and I will work on 3.3.05 release

Desired Game Features
At the Futanari Palace I have been asking people to let me know what new features people want to have me focus on developing in the game. If you wish to comment please visit the forum and post as well.

Otherwise the commonest requests have been
  • Complete backgrounds and events that are incomplete
  • More Lady Grey
  • more content for the Slave Maker, for instance things to do between training slaves
I will be using this feedback to prioritise what to work on for the game in the next release (and later releases too)


  1. First comment I hope? Is a woot in order?

    Well since you're asking for ideas for 3.3.05, I would like to put my two cents in. I'd also like some things to carry over once you finish working on a slave. For example, once you finish a slave, it's very wierd that Lady Farun completely forgets that you existed even though you saved her life at the docks and did the entire Ruins quest.

    (Perhaps you could add a reset button for various side-quests during the intermission screen once you finish a slave. That's so people who want to do the side-quest again can do it again.)

    Aside from that, I'd like to see more side-quests and ways to learn more skills. About half of the skills out there can only be obtained if you initially start with them when you create your Slavemaker. Skills like these can't be obtained in other ways. (To name a few: Succubus Training, Tentacle Expert, Expert Trader, Alchemy, etc.)

    For example, completing the Ruins quest could open up a lot of other side-quests. If you don't intitially obtain Deala, you could possibly buy her later in the Slave Market. Having her as a minor slave could randomly cause an event, which leads to other events. Then, this will unlock an extra minor slave action for Deala, so whenver you "Talk to Slaves, you can build up your "Orgasm Denial Trainer" skill, which provides other benefits in training your main slave. According to the Wiki, "Orgasm Denial Trainer" is a skill which isn't yet implemented.

    Or you could venture further into the cave, find a secret room, and, after a fight with some tentacles, find a tome which gives you level 0 of the Tentacle Expert skill. And for every tentacle encounter afterwards whenever you Take a Walk, you gain 0.1 points, similar to how you eventually gain Lesbian Trainer 1, Catslave Trainer 1, etc.

    It should also be possible to 'unlock' traits which can only be obtained when you create your Slavemaker. Let's say you want to go and collect all minor slaves. Ponygirl Expert and the minor slave, Ponygirl 1, can only be obtained if you drop 30 points on Ponygirl Trainer and Ponygirl Expert when you create your Slavemaker. Instead, once you obtain Ponygirl Trainer 1 through normal means, you could go through a side-quest involving Mistress Epona, similar to the Ruins quest, and she'll teach you the Ponygirl Expert skill and give you Ponygirl 1 as a token of gratitude.

    (A possible idea for the quest is that an escpaed criminal could have kidnapped her favorite ponygirl slave while she was away and was holding her ransom, and you have to figure out how to get her back.)

  2. For v 3.3.05 it would be interesting to be able to besides the house we will be living in to hone some businesses in the city for example urs shop being able to keep that if we choose to keep her at the end of her training, being able to buy other buildings like a restaurant, a onsen, a bar, a sleazy bar or even a brothel and have the minor slaves have a work option in give orders but not for the slaves in training but make the buildings cost 10000 or so, it would give a good side project for the longer games, and let us upgrade our homes with better kitchens, libraries magical wards and dungeons, also in ,talk to your slaves, add torturing or punishing for the minor slaves
    using bondage images for it and if used too much decrease the obedience and love of the slaves.

    1. Anon,

      Several of the things you mentioned are already underway. Drop by the Suggestions thread on FP and have at. :-)


      Tabrit and Birgit Ilsen,
      Ilsen Badehus,
      5 King's Road,
      Mardukane, Mioya

      Captain Arik Ilsen,
      VSS Vestfjord, commanding.
      Vestmark Export Company,
      1 Dockside West,
      East Mardukane, Mioya

  3. i would prefer if you focused on the girls more. i really want to see raven and Starfire as well as Harley Quinn ohh and how could i forget about 18. also i would like to see where i could find the 3rd party stuff. right now it's extremely hidden or non existent from your website maybe you could add it to the tabs eg home /latest releases / wiki/ third party. thx for actually caring about us btw. really appreciate it.

    1. There's a link on the right hand side of the page for the FutanariPlace Discussion Forum. All the third-party stuff is there, though it takes a while to collect everything. Cmac adds the stuff that's ready for prime time to the main releases already. The third-party betas can change in a matter of a few days, so asking him to keep track of them all is unreasonable. Especially if you want him to develop the core game :)

    2. All slaves that have been released I re-post here and include in the full game releases.

      There are some slaves in development, but nothing that has had a formal release yet, except Nami as I have mentioned before. She is not in the release due to mandatory bestiality in her training.

  4. I'm just curious on how to sell a slave to the lord? I have tried numerous times and just can't seem to get him to buy one of my slaves.

    1. It's only possible with a few slaves. I know Akane can be sold to the Lord and I think there are one or two others.

      If you are training one of the right slaves, you just visit him repeatedly. You will get messages that the Lord is especially interested in your slave, and after the 6th(?) visit he will offer to buy her.

  5. why not allow the slavemaker the option of doing more specific actions with slaves that are kept instead of sold?... at present the only sexual option available that focuses on such a slave is "Intimacy", which may or may not offer a wide selection of slave-specific pics, but surely doesn't offer any category choosing. sometimes while training the active slave I wish I could take a break and do special sex actions with previously-trained slaves - like tittyf*ck, a**f*ck, etc...

    1. ... and then see the pics associated with that slave. I went through the endeavor of training the slave for sex and keeping her and now my actions involving the sex is limited? it should at least be the same, if not better in some way.

  6. Humm... How does one actaully ''download'' from the Google whatever-thing ?

    I never touched that, or heard of it, before now.

  7. Not sure aside from downloading each file. The DropBox link the recent version.

  8. Any update on Ranma? Did I miss the update to her?

    1. Not yet. Last word was C will be working to upgrade her for 3.3.05

  9. Hello,

    Here some ideas for future developpement :

    1. Some minor slaves have overwhelming bonus, +5 should be a maximum, not +10 or +20.

    2. More minor quests.

    For example, To meet Lena at th docks shouldn' be enough to acquire lesbian skill. When you visit Lena, you could' obtain first 0.1 but to have more, a minor qust would be appropiate. Same with ponygirl. I don't mean something difficult. Just more fun. The was to acquire catgirl is fun enoug because Mina reacts.

    I very like the new Kitani's quest or the Red Lilly. I'd like more quest like that. BUT not too many. Priority is to developp them farther, not to add blank quest.

    3. Translate the game in other language woulb be great.

    4. Developp Vanilla's slave (not so fun) would be a better idea than add new klank slave.

    Lond live to this game !

    1. Most of those suggestions apply more to the 3rd Party Developers than Cmac, He mainly focuses on the core game about about 3 or so slaves. The Vanillas are developed by others, he has no say on their content; volunteers for translations shall be welcome with smiles and e-cookies; come on over to the Palace and offer those event suggestions; Many of those over-powered minors have been adjusted in the last release, just before MIA retired from developing.

    2. "... he has no say ..." Well, the truth of that is a bit more nuanced.

      It's pretty obvious that cmacleod wants to leave the developers much freedom, but his words carry a lot of influence, not to mention his releases are the 'official' ones and thus the mostly widely played versions--and he does filter the content (for very good reasons).

      As for the particular request on reducing "overwhelming bonus", it may be relatively simple for cmacleod to use one of several options:
      1. Implement hard cap on enhancement per minor slave basis.
      2. Implement hard cap on total enhancement received.
      3. Some sort of progressive handicap scheme.*

      * For example, if total boost to a stat from all minor slaves amounts to X, actual boost can be set to 100 * X / (X + 100). So, a boost of "1" becomes 0.990, "10" becomes 9.091, but larger values like "25" gets tone down to 20.000, and "50" gets chopped to "33.334", while bonus of "100" becomes just 50.000.

      The real question is, does this game really need to be 'balanced'? Personally, I prefer more Lady Grey to more balancing at this point.

  10. "Complete backgrounds and events that are incomplete
    More Lady Grey
    more content for the Slave Maker, for instance things to do between training slaves"

    Ohh can this be? These would be at the top of my list so I am looking forward to it. I would consider Lady Grey part of 'events that are incomplete,' but other than that the order of priority (favored by me) would be as listed; background/events then more content. As long as pre-existing contents are being completed faster than new uncompleted contents are coming in, I think this is heading somewhere.


  11. I suppose there could be more reasons to train your Slavemaker's combat stats and skills. They do little right now, as there is very little combat in the game which takes use of them.

    More minor slave actions would be nice, too. Especially if you train certain slaves to be yours in the end, and then later increase your slavemaker skill, boosting the 'ceiling' for your slaves' stats. You should still be able to boost all stats of your minor slaves, especially since you put so much work into them the first time around. Being able to do ongoing training to all slaves you own could have more perks down the road, as well.

  12. just want to ask how to increase the limit of conversation?

    1. For which slave or do you mean the slave maker? In general the limit cannot be increased is this is one

    2. thx for reply, just found the answer

  13. Is there a approximate time for the patch ?

  14. here is a idea for your new version okay on the intro you know how you can go to the slave market via take a walk add a new floor for the main slaves and have your slave maker private walk feature like when your slaves with supervisor and for shampoo she won't be at the market but following the story your slave maker meets shampoo as he visits the barand in the private walk feature if you use this idea have encounters with other slave owners to which some you meet you can buy certain minor slaves i don't know if you will use these ideas but whether you do or not the game is very good thank you

  15. I would generally like to see a few more girls from a variety of sources including some of the minor slaves be given full versions.

    The thing that would be most interesting would be simply to give the minor slaves a bit more personality, when you select the discuss option they have a small set of dialogues that change based on one of their skills.

  16. make another program that allows us to make slaves and or minor slaves very easily. maybe you could also have a drag and drop feature for the pictures. This would make the game sooo much easier to create third party content for and it might even be more beneficial to you because then you could pick and choose the best ones to flesh them out, meaning add more stuff to them such as side quests or special abilities, and put it into your game in the next update. Think about it you no longer have to work on slaves and instead you can easily work on more of the side stuff. please do this it would help out a lot. thx for reading my comment btw hope you liked it.

    1. There are seeral in the SDK, XMLSlaveCreator, Slave Building the main 2

  17. Why not include an arena. It'll put your combat abilities to the test and win a minor slave, money, more renown etc...

    1. Good idea.

      There already is an Arena and Colosseum. Using them *more* would require a homogenized battle system in the Core Game, and that is a prospect C has stated as extensive, so a bit lower on his schedule. 3rd Party developers are encourage to share any ideas, time and effort…

    2. Why not two contests on contest day? Perhaps after gaining X amount of combat stats, you'll get an invite on the contest day where you slave (and assistant) go do their contest while you go fight in the arena?

      The invite is there so you're not doing arena battles early on in your slaver's career and getting beaten to a pulp early on. It could be a goal to keep you playing, especially since some of those swords in the Armory cost a bundle.

  18. red lily of corse

    1. Red Lily is developed by Rowadon, not myself so not something I can work on

    2. does that Rowadon have a website or blog or something where i can see how far he is?


      But he has not posted in a year, so realistically I expect the event will not be expanded again

  19. anyone know were the more pics files go?

    1. Which files? There are some images in an additional folder just for people to suggest images, but please do so at the futanari palace

    2. when I dled the gardevoir update, there was an extra folder called "more pics'. not sure if I combine them into the Gardevoir images folder.

  20. truly you rock. anyway we can say thanks? like donations or something?

    1. Thanks, but I do not take donations

    2. You might, however, check C's 2nd post from this past January, "Release Server"

    3. My apologies, yes, definitely check the post

    4. I will and will give what i can afford. once again, thanks

  21. Tried posting twice already, they are not showing up, maybe due to the links to previous comments.

    To the point: Housing, specially quest related like the onsen sword, the keep basement, haunted house sounds, etc.

    A good/evil system like what I suggested previously using Peorth/Hild.

    The combined chores system.

    The maker's clothes, or lack thereof, actually doing something.

  22. for the slave maker add to where he can visit the brothel like he does the sleazy bar also consider doing away with the flash make it an iso file seems to be less bugs with iso okay keep swf change the way you save it really sucks having to start over every time you use a reg cleaner or clean the cache and cookies also instead of taking them to the farm to be milked allow slave maker to learn how to train cow girls of course he needs the alchemy skill to make the drug i know the iso conversion might be out of the question but i have never had so much problems with bugs until i started playing your game no offense meant just being honest

    1. Sorry to be blunt, but do you have any idea what you are talking about?
      You can not simply "make it an iso file" and it would certainly not cause the game to have less bugs. ISO files are just archives. If you wanted to move away from Flash you would have to redo almost everything except for graphics, gameplay, etc. Most of the bugs are probably also not caused by Flash.
      As for the saves, look up "Save game" up in the wiki for the path and just copy them somewhere before you do a clean up. Simply copy them back after you are done.

    2. im sorry if i don't know much about files but hey the visit the brothel and training cowgirls you can't say thats a bad idea oh and for night activity okay sorry for the language add suck tits don't be upset that i maybe tit obsessed and another idea is anal foreplay

  23. I was wondering, there was an event some time ago called "Stalked by tentacles" IIRC.
    What happened to it? There were some bugs but it was quite fun.

    1. It was disabled as it had some major bugs. It is prnding someone having the time to continue the development

    2. Thanks for the update.

  24. Just wondering, whatever happened to the ranma update you were talking about a while ago? It seemed like you had some pretty interesting ideas for that and I would really like to see where it went.

    1. still working on her/him, but the bug fix updates have taken priority for a while

    2. Its all good. Bug fixes, while a pain in the ass to do, are always appreciated. Keep up the good work!

  25. If you're still taking suggestions on desired game features, more M/M (like Kyon) would be awesome. Not sure how exactly you decide what gets added into the game and whatnot, but at least count me as a vote towards that.

  26. suggestions for next version? here you go:
    1. (the thing I've been asking for ages) tentacle background for female. for example "tentacle cultist". it is said in the game, as far as I remember, that tentacles used to be some kind of god and was punished to be like that. so how about tentacle cult where females are to give birth to them?
    2. rest of skills, please (like orgasm denial or succubus trainer)
    3. possibility to buy or learn all or almost all skills
    4. possibility to go "extra expert" in sex skills like smooth lips or stretcher throat or Kegel muscles training
    5. mini games during sex jobs and owner evaluation (it's up to player how well slave will perform)
    6. owners that want something specific. like a guy comes to you and he's asking for maid for his really old grandfather, or professor of something wants an assistant that's highly intelligent, well educated, knows how to lick pussy, but ain't a total slut
    7. I don't know jet.

  27. Well then, I can't do anything with the Gardevoir links. The first is dropbox is disabled, the other two throw out 404s and I can't for the life of me figure out how IN THE FUCK you're supposed to get things from Google Drive.

  28. I still miss different content for a slave maker woman. most of the quests don't change much if one plays a woman. Also it would be really nice to have more live with the slavemaker himselve. At the moment everthing is focused on the current trained slave but the slavemaker.

    1. if I deciphered this correctly... more slavemaker content/events? I 100%ly agree! At the moment the slaves seems to be in the spotlight and the slavemaker(player) seems to only play the role of a side character.


    2. personally i would like more sexual encounters for the slave maker it seems the slave is getting all the action right now. something else would be cool make the special events adaptable for all genders as l am a male i only use the male slave maker

  29. Why my Slavemaker's Charisma fall's? He's only attractive now.

  30. Someone Plz ansewar!?
    i just got the game and i loaded it got everything set
    at first their were invisible words which was a problem but when i got into the game my slave market for choosing a pupil was completley empty!
    someone plz help!?


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