Sunday, April 4, 2010

Beta Report

Beta testing is going well.

More bugs than my pride is comfortable with but they are all fixed. Doing the next iteration of the beta test now.

Some changes also made based on testers suggestions, always nice to get them and I am happy to do the changes.


  1. Nice to hear all is going well.

    I'd give my opinion but alas, I'm not in the beta. :3 So I can only give my silently written support and hope your pride doesn't take too many more hits.

    Good hunting. :D

  2. We going to get a full change list? I'm just weird and curious like that.

  3. randommember
    When I release there will be described the major changes, and note about other things. But the major changes are to do with gameplay and how campaigns work, so just playing the game will show you most of the new features.

  4. BTW, do you think you could put a ''Help'' windows where you show and explain individualy what each stats do, what they affect and how to raise them please? I still have no idea what Temperent do and I'm still unsure what are all the stats used in each contests.

  5. if you look close enough you can find slavemaker 3 beta on im plying it

  6. If you look closer you can also find the full version of slave maker 3 complete with various cracks to allow everybody to play fully with no limitations. I knew cmac was holding out on us, you sly dog you! Google sure is amazing...

    Disclaimer: Not responsible for any viruses, trojans, worms, keyloggers, or any other nastiness on these versions of slavemaker ;). Kids under the age of consent please remember to ask your parents or legal guardian for permission before downloading this software.

  7. @smartcookie192

    Almost all of them are something else.

    I was able to dl almost working version from one guy's site. (Tifa's and Shampoo's swf's were corrupted) Otherwise that beta worked fine.

  8. Is it just me, or is it incredibly disrespectful to discuss the proper way to pirate someone's game on their OWN BLOG? Seriously, it's a one to two week wait period, just wait it out like the rest of us.

  9. Jor, I think I could hug you for that comment. I was thinking it incredibly crass to discuss pirating and cheating the man's efforts and wishes just to get the game early. You beat me to it, so I give you my thanks.

  10. I didn't think you could pirate freeware even if its in closed beta. You cat blame people for being eager its just a sign of the games popularity, so why not post it here. anyway if people get stuck downloading trojans its their own fault =/

  11. I do not greatly mind people using the beta if they have the links.

    But I am now doing the next iteration and have deleted the existing MediaFire links and will only be releasing updates and they will be password protected.

    Until the beta test is done it is pointless for others to try the game, it has bug and incomplete parts. Please wait for the full release where things work and are complete.

  12. cmacleod42, why not opensource the game?
    ist it an ideological or comercial choice?

  13. fams
    Because it is my game and I enjoy working on it. I do not want to work collaboratively with others as it will take all the fun out of the development. I would have to coordinate and plan with others. I just want to develop it and have fun doing so.

  14. Oh, and to clarify the last, it is not a commercial choice.

    I do not and never will charge for the game, or accept donations. There is no legal or ethical way I could do this as 90%+ of the images are not used with permission (and would be removed if their artists asked)

  15. Actually, this entire conversation did make me think of a question that kept popping up for V15, Cmac.

    You kept saying you'd do a 'preview' version, which would basically be an open beta. Whatever happened to that plan? I remember you talking about it somewhere in the very original thread on MasterBloodfer's forum.

  16. Silith
    I forget that discussion. As you see I decided to go with a closed beta, and due to the bugs I am getting I think it was the best idea

  17. keep up the good work im so waiting for the relese verson becouse bugs are never fun to play with:)

  18. You're pretty awesome cmac, a lot of people, some less patient than others, are excited to see a release.

  19. As for "pirating" the Beta (link was in one of SMWiki's links, but good that you took it away), i tested it playing with couple girls and only encountered misgrammar.

    Keep up the good work Cmac.

  20. Glad to see you are getting close. The last few changes are always the most tedious. I want to add my cheers for doing your coding the way you have. Open source is a very tricky thing to do and still have a decent outcome. You need a good community manager. But letting users make their own content (through the excellent SDK) allows most of the upside of open source anyway.

    Can't wait til the official release is ready.

  21. Hedonism: Not only does cmac have a great SDK, he also appreciates and actually uses (good) user feedback in the forums.

  22. Sami
    What misgrammer issues did you see. The beta testers have not reported anything, except a few cases of undefined's

  23. Hey cmac, do you think you could put more detailled info on stats in the ''Help'' windows on version 3 please? Like what each stats do, possible ways to raise them and which stats affect which contests. I have read the current version of the Help windowns and still dont know what temperent does or what are ALL the stats that affect contests (only basic ones).

    PS: Whats up with everyone offering ways to crack and find unlegit versions of his game? Just be patient and let him finish it to his own pace!

  24. Warrior, there's a very basic description of the stats and what they do when you mouse over them already. I like to think that it's common sense as to what does what, and figuring out the sense behind it is part of the fun of the game.

    If that doesn't cut it for you, there are walkthroughs in the MasterBloodfer forum that can tell you everything you want to know.

    As for temperament, it's a stat reflecting the submissive or independent mindset of the slave. The higher the value, the more independent the slave is.

  25. Did you want any bugs we find?

    I have found a few myself but wasn't sure if this was the proper place for them.

  26. shawn66_2002
    No thank you, I assume you are using the original beta release, I am now on the third iteration of the beta and any bugs from the first version would now be fixed


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